The Heavy Rock band, Dark Capricorn Rising, has created their own, unique "Universe of Sound" that has never been equaled by any band, past or present. They are a neo-heavy rock band based in Canton, Michigan producing powerful, professional, and polished music with a dark and dynamic edge. They have been working together since 2018, their sound influenced by legendary bands such as Black Sabbath, Rainbow, and Deep Purple, but with a modern element, setting them apart from all others.
Dark Capricorn Rising is:
Lyricist and Lead Vocalist Justin Williams
With his lyrical concepts, he takes people where they do not wish to go but despite their resistance, they find themselves being helplessly drawn into the Dark, Mysterious, and Ethereal world of the human condition, think "The Borg!" "Resistance is futile" indeed!
His equally talented and creative fellow songwriter, Rick Young (who also plays guitar and produces the band) creates equally brilliant melodies to accompany the soul-wrenching, existential lyrics. Move over Lennon and McCartney! Not to mention Elton John and Bernie Taupin! These guys are for real, and they don't take prisoners. Williams' voice consists of a wide array of tools: He can caress you like a feather and a measure later blow your face off! He is a professional vocalist who does not just scream into the microphone in the wrong key, he is an artist and, as such, has the ability to mesmerize the audience at his will.
Drummer Extraordinaire Rocky Di lacovo is an accomplished percussionist, not a "Banger."
He has experience with many rock bands including The Bob Seger Band.
He’s a quintessential professional bringing to the table not only ungodly talent but a desire for perfection like his DCR Brothers. He is the foundation of the band. The "Master Blaster" adds the finishing touches to this already dynamic and magnificent juggernaut. He thunders away with flawless technique until people say, "Bonham! Baker! Moon! And Di lacovo!" A new addition to the "Pantheon" of dynamic thunderers!
Producer, Lead Guitarist, Songwriter Rick Young (Background Vocals, et al.)
His roles in "DCR" are almost too many to count - Producer, guitarist, bassist,
background vocals...
"Rick the Guitarist" -
When people first hear their songs, they immediately notice the completely "Lights Out" guitar work of Mr. Young. It is simply phenomenal. Not just a "Shredder" although he is a master of that technique,the sounds he creates are soulful, creative, mesmerizing works of art. Combine both aspects and you have the "Perfect Storm" of Artistry. Not many guitarists, even in the upper echelons of guitar playing, can begin to match the talent of Mr. Rick Young.
Then there is Rick the Producer. A nationally acclaimed producer, he raises the level of DCR's quality from outstanding to infinitely supreme. No stranger to world acclaim, he has produced World class acts of all genres, including those at the gold as well as platinum levels. He has won awards from the State of Michigan for "Best Studio." While looking around his studio, you'll notice countless photos of some of the area’s most famous artists: Van Halen, Rare Earth, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin -
You get the feeling that you are in the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
And in a sense - You are!
But enough about what WE think, listen to our curators:
"I am flooded every day with songs that are very well entrenched in the Rock Hall of Fame curator's listings. But today I received an email with a link for a band called Dark Capricorn Rising. Because of the dark title, I was intrigued to listen to their song. I FELL OVER BACKWARDS! I have never received a song of this caliber! The song has amazing conceptual integrity. The balance of music and vocals is perfect. The vocalist has an amazing voice and the background vocals again compliment to perfection. The song is not just a song. It is a reality that affects so many in our lives. This song is Genius! And I do mean GENIUS!"
- David
"Hello Dark Capricorn Rising
I have never heard of your group and had no intentions of listening to you either since I am flooded every day with Rock Bands wanting me to add them to our curator's list. So, me being a bit curious, I randomly picked a song from your links called, "Into the Night." (Are you kidding me?) I was mesmerized by it! What a song & what a production! Everything & I mean everything was so crisp and clear. From the raging vocalist and his lyrics to the blending of the vocal harmonies, done with such precision.
The bass guitar was clean and not muddy filling the gaps with intricate runs. The drums were incredibly big. The snare and kick are the heaviest and most unique sound combination I've ever heard from any rock band. The blazing guitar riffs are complemented by some amazing harmonies that parallel an orchestra of strings. I can go on and on. I am going to add DCR to the top of our curator's listings. I'm now going to listen to all of your creative songs.
Phenomenal Band!"
Perhaps ArtistsPR said it best in their Aug 23, 2022 issue:
"What permanently establishes this band as a unique voice in the music industry is their sensitivity to their ability to create art from some of the most depressing realities in life in a way in which the audience vibes to even their dejections in life. This flipping of the narrative makes the eclectic band a novelty in the musical industry and keeps fans hooked for newer and newer releases!"
This "Power Rock" band has, single handedly, resurrected and restored what many thought was lost forever: Heavy, Powerful, Well-produced Rock! Now, what are you going to do about it?
We have, without question, the best damn fans in the world.
They are the "Ambassadors of DCR" and have worked, without compensation, to tirelessly promote us day in and day out, from the day DCR was born. And get this, We never asked them to! They all just spontaneously decided to do it on their own.
And to our "Ambassadors" we say:
"We love you and we shall always be eternally grateful to you for your tireless work, loyalty, and dedication!
You will ALWAYS be at the center of our souls! Thank you so much, Brothers and Sisters!
Yours Very TRULY,
"Those crazy boys from Canton, Michigan!"
Learn more, get band updates or contact Dark Capricorn Rising on Soundcloud Reverb Nation Apple Music and You Tube and Spotify