Tonight at Marble Bar: Prince Rama

Apr 11, 2016 at 2:30 pm
click to enlarge Photo courtesy Carpark Records.
Photo courtesy Carpark Records.

Not many bands have manifestos. Or, if they do, you'd never want to read them. Even if you're not interested in the kinetic, psychedelic dance music of Prince Rama, you should read their "now age" manifesto.

Also, and we know this is a last minute thing, but they're playing Marble Bar tonight, and by all accounts they're a friggin' great live band. 

Prince Rama, the duo of sisters Taraka and Nimai Larson, describe their new album Xtreme Now as the most extreme album they've ever made, and according to a press release it was inspired by a near-death experience Taraka underwent at an ancient Viking ruin on the Estonian island of Vȫrmsi. The songs reflect the girls' visions of danger, mortality, and time travel. Despite those heady themes, it's also Prince Rama's most accessible album.