City Slang: Amy Gore brings her Valentines to the Stick

Jul 28, 2011 at 2:17 pm

This Saturday, July 30, Amy Gore & the Valentines plays the Magic Stick in Detroit. It should be a good time for everyone. City Slang caught up with Gore to get the lowdown on the show.

You're now Valentines instead of Squires (as the band were called at this year’s Blowout). What happened there?

Originally the band was going to be all guys backing me. The definition of Squire is "A man who attends or escorts a woman; a gallant." The bass-boy became otherwise engaged and Leann Banks became the bassist. After the first show in March it became apparent that this band was much more romantic - and less gallant - than we had imagined. I wrote the first group of songs on Valentine's Day week, that is where I got the idea for the name. I like hearts, the color red, chocolate and roses, as does our drummer Joe Leone.

Are Gorevette (and the Gore Gore Girls for that matter) over forever, or just on a break?

Never say never ... unless it's done. I love working with Nikki Corvette, we're working on an Italian single now.

Does it feel good to be fronting a band again?

It feels good to play in this band.

Is there an album on the way?

Yes. It will be called Sex Wall.

How does Jackson Smith compare to other guitarists you've played with?

There is no comparison.

And the rest of the band?

Leann Banks is dangerous. She will cut you.

What do you have planned for the show at the Stick?

We've new songs, pyrotechnics and I'm trading root vegetables with the opening band Jeecy & The Jungle. The opener, Thee Kaipirinas, is Marco Butcher from Brazil and famous Detroit hairdresser Sandy Kramer. I'm excited to see them.

Just as I start to get obsessed with one of your bands, you break it up. Will this band be around for a while?

Define 'a while'! The Valentines have been around for 5 months, we started recording at month 2.

How does the sound differ from Valentines - Gorevette - GGG's?

The Valentines sound is completely different from anything I've done before. HiFi v. LoFi = NoFi? Or HiFi + LoFi = HoFi?

You have to listen to one of these all day at top volume - black metal or Euro synth pop... what would you choose?

Duh! Black metal.