Enrich your garden's soil with dolomite

(No, not the movie starring Rudy Ray Moore).

Apr 15, 2014 at 5:13 pm
Enrich your garden's soil with dolomite
Courtesy photo.

Hey, unless you have something heavy-duty like a greenhouse to spare you from these April cold snaps, you’re probably not ready to plant anything outside yet. But are you so eager to get to work that you’re down in the shop sharpening your spade? 

You might consider using this time to do some soil amendments. Even after a long winter rest, soil can require a little shot of what it’s short on. You can base your amendments on what has grown poorly in recent years, or by springing for a soil test kit, which will tell you what your soil’s pH, or acidity or alkalinity, is. For instance, soils with a pH below 6.2 will probably need some lime. A finely ground source of lime is dolomite (this has nothing to do with Dolemite, the movie starring Rudy Ray Moore). Ideally, all soil amendments should be added at least a few weeks before planting. So turn in your soil amendments, get a little outdoor work in, and pop in a few Rudy Ray Moore DVDs while it does its thing. 

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