The Whopperito: It's just like a Whopper but different

Aug 17, 2016 at 1:48 pm
The Whopperito: It's just like a Whopper but different
Burger King/Facebook
We're never one to turn down a good food challenge. Whether it's foraged ants and reindeer moss that come out of a trendy Midtown restaurant or the latest in bizarre fast food combinations, we'll at least give it a shot in the name of food writing.

This latest culinary dare comes to us from Burger King, with its Whopperito. We had a morbid curiosity over this newest gimmick in anticipation of its Aug. 15 release, as did the foodie Instagrammer community, including local viral sensation, Chow Down Detroit (whose food porn enjoys a following of more than 70K).

The Instagram "celeb" was among many curious eaters who took to social media to give his hot take. In a YouTube video review he posted, he says BK is "really killing it with their fusion craziness," pointing to another of the chain's recent wacky combos, the Mac 'n Cheetos.

Among Chow Down Detroit, AKA Seoung Lee's observations, this creation is not terribly photogenic, "it's just a big hunk of burrito."

As for how it tastes, he rates it a mediocre "good," pointing out, "it was exactly what I thought it was going to be, it tastes like Whopper but with a different kind of sauce."

"It's just Whopper inside of a tortilla," he adds.
We obviously weren't expecting some masterful Mexican-fusion experience, but rather a novel way to enjoy a Whopper. We agree with Seoung in that we like how the meat has some of that famous BK "flame broiled" flavor (though we're not sure as to whether a whole Whopper patty goes into the flour tortilla vessel). We also kind of dig that spicy-ish queso sauce. The pickles add some crunchiness. The tortilla is a bit much, we found ourselves tearing off parts of it so our bite wasn't overwhelmed by it. Other than that, it's like that beefy burrito you may have enjoyed in the high school cafeteria.
The Photoshopped version versus IRL. - Top, from Burger King's Facebook, bottom shot by Serena Maria Daniels
Top, from Burger King's Facebook, bottom shot by Serena Maria Daniels
The Photoshopped version versus IRL.
We'll file this in the "been there, done that" category and be on our way to the next foodie challenge.