With an out of date slogan and faded colors, the Better Made chip company has decided it’s time to replace the classic Gratiot Avenue sign.
It was announced that on April 10 the old sign will take a rest and the new one will officially take over. The updated sign will more closely resemble the current packaging, with its bright red, yellow and white. Oh, and I know you’re worried about the bonnet wearing lady, she’ll be there too just with a little more color. The company is not parting with the old sign entirely — they will be finding a home for it somewhere inside the factory.
“This is certainly a momentous occasion in Better Made’s history,” says president of Better made Mark Winkelman in a release. “Just like the Vernors, Stroh’s, and Sanders signs I’m sure there are people with many memories of seeing that sign over the years, maybe using it as a waypoint as they traveled down Gratiot Avenue. We look forward to seeing it displayed in our facility.”