This excellent event is next Tuesday, October 13. We're telling you about it one week in advance so that you can be sure to add this to your busy schedule. Remember, it is important to do a lot of fun cultural things like this before we are snowed in. Anne Carson and Juliette Binoche appear together on the stage at Michigan Theatre for an event called Translation and Adaptation. It's free, so you have no excuse to miss it.
Acclaimed author and translator Anne Carson returns to Ann Arbor for the presentation of her new version of Sophocles’ Antigone, directed by Ivo van Hove and starring Academy-award winning actress Juliette Binoche. The program will begin with a staged reading of Antigonick, Anne Carson’s alternate translation of Antigone, and continues with a conversation between Carson and Binoche about the ways in which adaptation and translation are shaped by time and place.
Starts at 7 p.m.; 603 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor; 734-668-8463;; free admission; all ages.