Trump-loving Grosse Pointe Shores councilman posts memes joking about sex assault

Sep 18, 2018 at 11:48 pm
Trump-loving Grosse Pointe Shores councilman posts memes joking about sex assault
Facebook, Matt Seely (Sinatrablueyes)

Updated at 12:56 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 19:

But wait, there's more:

Originally posted at 11:48 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 18:

A Grosse Pointe Shores councilman and Trump supporter apparently finds Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's alleged attempted rape of a girl while in high school so insignificant that he's taken to joking about it on Facebook.

According to liberal group Progress Michigan, Councilman Matthew Seely posted a meme on Facebook this week that appears to mock survivors who attempt to hold abusers accountable years after an assault. The meme was posted to the Facebook group Michigan Trump Republicans and had been deleted as of Tuesday evening.

Despite having deleted the post, Seely — who is also listed as being with Michigan's 14th District Republican Committee — says he stands by his message.

"My personal political views are my right to express, and I don’t understand why these organizations that are supposed to be into free speech and the Bill of Rights are so interested in censoring me," Seely tells WDIV-TV. "I also find what’s going on in Washington with this claim against Kavanaugh to be disingenuous, dishonest and politically motivated."

Progress Michigan says Seely has a history of posting insensitive memes to the Michigan Trump group. Here he is making fun of Trump's sexual assault accusers last year:

And here's an image he posted of a woman wearing a Bernie Sanders pin staring at the busty chest of a woman in a low-cut MAGA tank:

Progress Michigan has called for Seely's resignation.

“This type of behavior cannot be tolerated by a public official. It’s disgusting, dehumanizing, and it makes light of sexual assault and rape," Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan, says in a statement. "Sexual violence is a real problem in this country and we need to have public officials who recognize that, not make fun of it for political purposes. It’s disturbing that there are people and online communities who tolerate this type of behavior, but we cannot allow it to be present in our city governments.”

Seely tells WDIV he won't resign because he works in a volunteer capacity. The Grosse Pointe Shores city manager has not yet replied to a request for comment but we will update this post when he does.

In the meantime — see if you can stomach this video of Seely, who on Facebook calls himself "Sinatrablueyes" [sic] — having a blast at the White House earlier this year:

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