Put on a smiley face

Aug 9, 2000 at 12:00 am
For those of you who haven’t noticed (and you can count News Hits among your number), August happens to be “Admit You’re Happy Month.” This according to an outfit called the Secret Society of Happy People (www.sohp.com).

“People have become more comfortable participating in conversations that focus on complaining and whining than talking about happy news,” observes Society founder Pam Johnson.

News Hits wonders if Ms. Johnson has been reading this column, seeing as she bemoans the fact that so much time is spent raining on other people’s parades. Here’s our dilemma: Raining on parades is what makes us happy.

In that grand tradition, we feel compelled to shed a little moisture on Johnson’s jaunty march by pointing out that the Society is looking to make a buck off your sunnier desires. For just $15, you can get your very own Admit You’re Happy Month Kit, complete with balloons and cards with the quote “It Takes a Brave Person to Live a Happy Life.”

Maybe, but News Hits seems to recall a psychological study some years ago that found people who are depressed actually have a more accurate perception of reality than the perpetually cheerful. Curt Guyette is Metro Times news editor. Contact him at 313-202-8004 or [email protected]