Meijer offering 'misfit' produce to help combat food waste

Sep 26, 2017 at 12:07 pm
click to enlarge Misfit carrots. - Shutterstock
Misfit carrots.

Don't worry you ugly little radish and strange-looking carrot, your destiny of finally being added into a hearty chicken noodle soup or a decadent risotto will finally come true thanks to Meijer.

Apparently, produce that is sold to customers at grocery stores are the creme de la creme or produce. Any fruit or veggie that is misshapen, deformed, or even oddly colored are not sold because they are considered "cosmetically-challenged." Now it seems that Meijer is taking a stand in produce discrimination by selling these ugly fruits and veggies.

Although the not perfect produce is being sold at a discounted price (honestly, this is such a perfect metaphor for society today and how we treat those who are not glamorous and good-looking) it's a good thing it is being sold at all.

According to the press release, the United Nations believes that 20 to 40 percent of the produce harvested each year is not used because it is not "perfect." On top of that, almost half of the food supply in the U.S. is never even eaten.

Each Meijer now has a "misfit" section (basically the Island of Misfit Toys in a grocery store) and the store reports that a quarter of a million pounds has been sold to customers who could care less if their lemon is oddly-shaped.

Meijer offering 'misfit' produce to help combat food waste
Courtesy photo
The produce is normally discounted anywhere from 20 to 40 percent, making food waste in America a little better and more money in your pocket at the end of the day. s