Letters to the Editor

Jun 2, 2004 at 12:00 am

Kwame must go

Re: “Internal affairs?” (Metro Times, May 26), the Mayor’s behavior is unforgivable. He has betrayed the trust and confidence of his wife, his children, and the citizens of Detroit. I was in Houston for the weekend and it was embarrassing to hear folks belittle and berate our city because of his behavior. The court costs and any future settlements on behalf of this lying, cheating and philandering man will more than likely be borne by the taxpayers of this city. It just sickens me to think that we put him in office. We have got to do something to get him out.

This sorry excuse for a mayor has financially devastated this community. He put us in a budget crisis, laid off long-term city workers, and now, we, the taxpaying citizens of Detroit, will be forced to pay for the Mayor’s party bill. I just want to scream! He has done nothing to better the lives of people in this community. —Henrietta Walton, Detroit


It takes a millage

Re: “Salvaging Southfield” (Metro Times, May 19), I am the citizen co-chair of the challenge committee for the proposed millage. This was my baptism to local politics and it has been an eye-opener. The opposition wants to win but is acting against its own interests. How can you be in favor of a strong community, but willing to sacrifice the very heart of it, the schools?

Most people move to Southfield because of the schools and it in turn keeps the property values up. If the real estate agents, quota-motivated salespeople, are the voice of reason for the opposition, Lord help us! If the properties stay on the market too long with the school system, how long do they think it will take to sell without it? —Darryle J. Buchanan, Southfield


Right about Resistance

Your article on Underground Resistance (“In the flesh again,” Metro Times, May 26) was one of the best written in years. I’ve been a fan of their music since I first heard The Wizard (pre-UR) on the radio, and few writers get the whole story right. Hats off. Mike Banks has been a constant inspiration to so many around the world, so it’s always great to see him getting props in his own backyard. —Matt MacQueen, Chicago, [email protected], sonicsunset.com


Sit on it

As an avid Metro Times reader for many years, I would like to voice my distaste for your decision to reinstate the weekly articles about abandoned structures. I strongly feel you are causing more harm than good. As I’m sure you know, Detroit is in fact experiencing a rehab/new construction boom of the likes that hasn’t been seen in ages. Why the bad press now? It’s sensationalist journalism and seems to be very self-serving. Why not focus on the reasons for rehab? What about property owners like Mike Ilitch (United Artists Building, Madison Lenox) and Michael Higgins (Broderick Tower, Farwell Building)? Why not publish a list of how much abandoned property these two men own? —Jason Nardoni, Detroit


Beyond Brown

Re: “A road not taken” (Metro Times, May 19), Keith A. Owens is on point once again. I too have decided that integration is one of those destructive myths that is not rooted in the reality of continued racism and segregation. The sad truth is the majority whites are unwilling to integrate with black people. Brown v. Board of Education and the civil rights movement ended American apartheid on paper, but did very little to change the hearts of whites in the post-Brown era.

Whites demonstrate a preference for segregation in housing and education which helps to explain white flight and the resegregation of public education. Blacks need to recognize this and spend less time arguing the merits of an integrated society and spend more time practicing positive-segregation in the form of high-quality, all-black neighborhoods. By bringing high standards of excellence to all-black neighborhoods and communities, maybe, just maybe, whites will find that integration with blacks is not a bad thing. But if not, blacks would continue to have high-quality communities with excellent schools and neighborhoods. —Rashid Fai’Sal, Detroit, [email protected]

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