Letters to the Editor

May 7, 2003 at 12:00 am

Poetic thoughts

Great piece, Jeremy Voas, on the Prez (Screed, Metro Times, April 30-May 6). Somewhere in Detroit someone is a little less alone in resisting the Axis of Drivel that threatens to engulf us all. Last weekend I was at the Los Angeles Book Festival attending a symposium which included the Nicaraguan poet Gioconda Belli and she uttered the best phrase of the event in response to a question about frustration and futility: “Those who think that one small individual can’t make a difference have never been in bed with a mosquito.” —Geoff DeWan, [email protected], Los Angeles, Calif.

School of life

I agree that “Americans are malleable, like Silly Putty. Any society that can be convinced that $150 sneakers are the key to status is easily swayed by the power of suggestion.”

What prompted me to write was your statement “I must disclose that I am a statistical anomaly. I have no college degree.” Since I skipped high school, the whole thing, I am more impressed by people who get out there and do stuff. I actually did get a college degree because I wanted to study business. In my continuing efforts not to use my skills for evil, I have worked in public service and in small business. —Susan Herod, [email protected], Charlottesville, Va.

Who needs this help?

Recently I’ve had my share of nightmares with bad house loans and heavy-handed loan “servicers” like Fairbanks in Utah (“Open for foreclosure,” Metro Times, April 30-May 6). Funny how many times I’ve heard loan brokers tell me that they sell loans because they want to “help people.” If mortgage lending was such an altruistic business, why are these predatory practices putting so many in the poorhouse? What good is “helping people” get loans that they later default on and lose everything? We could use a little less help and a lot more education and legal protection to stop these sharks. —Marilyn Jones-Wilson, Oak Park

Fourth and long

In response to Jack Lessenberry’s article about Detroit’s Super Bowl XL (Politics & Prejudices, Metro Times, April 9-16), we would like to direct your attention to the facts.

Regarding New York lobbying for a site switch, “this is absolutely not true,” according to Jim Steeg, Senior VP of Special Events for the National Football League. New York may be a future Super Bowl destination, but they are in no way lobbying for Detroit’s slot.

Regarding hotels, Detroit already had enough hotel rooms to fulfill its commitment back when the NFL chose Detroit for Super Bowl XL. The Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee met all requirements of the NFL by submitting signed hotel agreements for 17,500 rooms in Detroit. In fact, they’ve exceeded the NFL’s requirement with 19,000 rooms. This is apart from any new hotel construction or renovations that may be under way in the next three years.

Regarding Super Bowl XL, Detroit will host it in 2006. As the only northern city to receive the Super Bowl twice, we should be proud of Detroit’s accomplishments and opportunity to look our best in front of 800 million viewers. Irresponsible journalism would be the real “mother of all black eyes.” —Kim Skeltis, Lovio George, Inc. for the Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee, Detroit


Jack Lessenberry responds: Methinks the public relations lady protests too much. If she took the trouble to read what I actually wrote, she’d see that I said that while the Super Bowl would probably arrive as scheduled, some officials are worried. Indeed, County Commission and Detroit Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau sources have told me as much, but fear execution for insufficient patriotism if they express their doubts publicly. So as the Prophet Leroy always says: We’ll see.


Due to an editing error, Mike Geiger’s name was misspelled in the article “Tough breaks” about DJ ’munk (Metro Times, April 30-May 6).

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