Detroit will no longer host the Green Party 2020 National Convention due to the coronavirus

May 5, 2020 at 12:39 pm
click to enlarge WSU's McGregor Memorial Conference Center, which was supposed to host the 2020 Green Party National Convention until it got scrapped. - Andrew Jameson, Wikimedia Creative Commons
Andrew Jameson, Wikimedia Creative Commons
WSU's McGregor Memorial Conference Center, which was supposed to host the 2020 Green Party National Convention until it got scrapped.

This is kind of old news, but we think it deserves a post because we're not seeing any reference to it in the mainstream media. The 2020 Green National Convention, which was originally supposed to be held in Detroit at Wayne State University, has been canceled due to the coronavirus. It was to be held on July 9-12 at WSU's McGregor Memorial Conference Center.

The convention will still happen on the same dates, but it's shifted to a virtual format after the university said it could no longer accommodate it due to the pandemic. The move was quietly announced on April 24.

Former pro wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura had previously announced on Twitter that he was considering seeking the Green Party nomination. However, on Tuesday former Massachusetts Congressional candidate Bill Cimbrelo claimed on Twitter that Ventura is now backing out. (Cimbrelo says he was going to be Ventura's campaign manager.) Maybe that's for the best — there's enough kayfabe in the White House at the moment.

Jill Stein, who ran in for president as the Green Party candidate in 2016, has not announced if she's running again in 2020. In 2016 in Michigan, Stein got 1.1% of the vote, or 51,463 votes.

In other Michigan-tangential third-party news, Grand Rapids-based U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, a former Republican, announced last month that he's seeking the Libertarian Party nomination. The Libertarian Party got 3.6% percent of the vote in 2016 in Michigan, or 172,136 votes — a historic number that buoyed the Libertarian Party in the gubernatorial election in 2018.

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