A selection of Detroit podcasts to keep you company this winter

Winter in Michigan can be isolating. It's cold, it's dark, it's snowy, it's icy. Just leaving the house is a chore. So, in lieu of those precious sunny afternoons spent sipping suds on the patio with your pals, we thought we'd come up with a list of locally based podcasts to keep you company during the cold season — especially during those extra-long commutes.

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 V to V From sex toys to douching, hosts Laura Khalil and Anne Marie Sumner have unfiltered discussions on the taboo topics women often have behind closed doors. The bi-weekly podcast was curated in the Podcast Detroit studio in Feb. 2017, with their episodes ranging from one to two hours — perfect for those prolonged winter commutes. The female-centered approach tackles sexual empowerment, intra-women relationships, and owning the workplace while reclaiming the word “bossy.” Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
V to V
From sex toys to douching, hosts Laura Khalil and Anne Marie Sumner have unfiltered discussions on the taboo topics women often have behind closed doors. The bi-weekly podcast was curated in the Podcast Detroit studio in Feb. 2017, with their episodes ranging from one to two hours — perfect for those prolonged winter commutes. The female-centered approach tackles sexual empowerment, intra-women relationships, and owning the workplace while reclaiming the word “bossy.”
Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
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 Created Equal This WDET-produced podcast brings together Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Stephen Henderson and producer Laura Weber-Davis to analyze inequality, racism, and other injustices in American society. Created Equal draws parallels between the United States’ history and current events to unearth the root causes of the inequalities the country is still plagued by. It's perfect for snowy days when you’re in the mood to analyze your position in society, how it affects those around you, and how your ancestors contributed to your privilege. Photo via WDET.org
Created Equal
This WDET-produced podcast brings together Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Stephen Henderson and producer Laura Weber-Davis to analyze inequality, racism, and other injustices in American society. Created Equal draws parallels between the United States’ history and current events to unearth the root causes of the inequalities the country is still plagued by. It's perfect for snowy days when you’re in the mood to analyze your position in society, how it affects those around you, and how your ancestors contributed to your privilege. Photo via WDET.org
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 Detroit Bad Boys Launched in 2005, the Detroit Bad Boys podcast has been a mainstay source among diehard and casual Pistons’ fans for all things Detroit basketball. Hosts Lazarus Jackson and Ben Gulker give listeners an in-depth analysis of the team’s standing throughout the basketball season. Discussions on the team’s move to Little Caesar’s Arena and Reggie Jackson’s ankle injury are a sure thing to comfort Pistons fans during the chilly season. Photo via DetroitBadBoys.com
Detroit Bad Boys
Launched in 2005, the Detroit Bad Boys podcast has been a mainstay source among diehard and casual Pistons’ fans for all things Detroit basketball. Hosts Lazarus Jackson and Ben Gulker give listeners an in-depth analysis of the team’s standing throughout the basketball season. Discussions on the team’s move to Little Caesar’s Arena and Reggie Jackson’s ankle injury are a sure thing to comfort Pistons fans during the chilly season. Photo via DetroitBadBoys.com
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 The Detroit Cast Based in Franklin, The Detroit Cast is not for those with sensitive, easily offended ears. Hosts Mike and Jay discuss sports, politics, and world news sprinkled with offhanded commentary and sarcastic remarks. The Detroit Casts prides themselves on a radio sound that isn’t filtered by the FCC or corporate rules. Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
The Detroit Cast
Based in Franklin, The Detroit Cast is not for those with sensitive, easily offended ears. Hosts Mike and Jay discuss sports, politics, and world news sprinkled with offhanded commentary and sarcastic remarks. The Detroit Casts prides themselves on a radio sound that isn’t filtered by the FCC or corporate rules. Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
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 Talk Juicy Talk Juicy consists of five friends coming together to chat about motherhood and relationships, and maybe give some advice to callers. Discussions are littered with pop culture references and personal anecdotes. The podcast — produced by Podcast Detroit — premiered in March 2017. The light-hearted, casual conversations are what have made listeners return month after month. Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
Talk Juicy
Talk Juicy consists of five friends coming together to chat about motherhood and relationships, and maybe give some advice to callers. Discussions are littered with pop culture references and personal anecdotes. The podcast — produced by Podcast Detroit — premiered in March 2017. The light-hearted, casual conversations are what have made listeners return month after month. Photo via PodcastDetroit.com
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 IT in the D Welcome to the inner workings of nerds’ minds. Launchers of Podcast Detroit, IT veterans, and hosts Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips call their podcast a “bar chat, not a technical seminar." IT in the D is self described as what happens when geeks, alcohol, pop culture, and current events get together. A great podcast to tune into if you’re in the mood to hear middle-aged men make '80s pop cultures references. Photo via ITintheD.com
IT in the D
Welcome to the inner workings of nerds’ minds. Launchers of Podcast Detroit, IT veterans, and hosts Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips call their podcast a “bar chat, not a technical seminar." IT in the D is self described as what happens when geeks, alcohol, pop culture, and current events get together. A great podcast to tune into if you’re in the mood to hear middle-aged men make '80s pop cultures references. Photo via ITintheD.com
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 Twisted Storytellers The Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers’ mission is to connect humanity through the art of storytelling. The monthly events are intended to be attended in person at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, but for these cold months the car speakers will do. The stories center around the human condition and topics that transcend all social constructs and connect us as human beings. The series of stories was kicked off in Aug. 2016 by host Satori Shakoor with a story titled, “My Brother’s Keeper,” which revolved around her complex relationship with her brother. Photo via TwistedStorytellers.org
Twisted Storytellers
The Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers’ mission is to connect humanity through the art of storytelling. The monthly events are intended to be attended in person at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, but for these cold months the car speakers will do. The stories center around the human condition and topics that transcend all social constructs and connect us as human beings. The series of stories was kicked off in Aug. 2016 by host Satori Shakoor with a story titled, “My Brother’s Keeper,” which revolved around her complex relationship with her brother. Photo via TwistedStorytellers.org
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