Gotta Catch 'Em All: downtown Ferndale is hot with Pokémon

Jul 8, 2016 at 3:18 pm
As we're sure you all know, one of the greatest cultural phenomenon's of all time Pokémon has finally released a new, pseudo-virtual reality game called Pokémon Go and it is making dreams come true of every kid who grew up in the 90's who spent countless hours playing Pokémon Red and Blue.  

Since this writer was one of those nerdy kids playing Pokémon (no shame) I had to see what the buzz was about with this new game, and let me tell you friends, it does not disappoint.

Here is the concept: Once you download the game you chose your starter Pokémon and any fan of the game knows that it is either Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Once that happens, you are free to walk around your surroundings until the game notifies you that you are near a Pokémon that can be caught. Your phone then turns the camera on and the Pokémon is on your screen with your surroundings behind it. It's very trippy at first seeing a Pidgy on the dashboard of your colleague's car — but it's also cool as hell and takes catching Pokémon to a whole new level. 

I decided to take my newly downloaded Pokémon Go app to the streets of downtown Ferndale to see if I could fulfill my destiny and become the Pokémon master that has always awaited me. 

My first encounter was on my way to downtown Ferndale when a DROWZEE JUST HAPPENED TO BE IN THE METRO TIMES PARKING LOT!!! I can't believe this was the first Pokémon I encountered. Sadly I was not quick enough to catch this guy. 

I started to walk down Woodward when I came across a Spearow that was hiding near Howe's Bayou. This guy was trying to fly away but I successfully caught him. NBD. 

After that I came across a Zubat in front of the Magic Bag which was EXTREMELY difficult to catch. I even ran into a guy who was also hunting Pokémon and was trying to catch the Zubat. We talked about how hard it was to catch it and how hilarious it was that we were literally walking around Ferndale catching fake Pokémon. JUDGE ME, I DON'T CARE. 

Up next was a cute lil' Caterpie that was hanging outside of the New Way Bar which I find hilarious given I can totally see a Caterpie hanging out there. 

Since it's hotter than Brock's Training Gym out there I decided to stop by Treat Dreams and guess what?? A WEEDLE WAS INSIDE AND I ALMOST DIED OF EXCITEMENT. The girl behind the counter was jealous because she doesn't have a smart phone and I felt very bad because she is missing out on hours of fun. 

Then I found a Spearow hanging out in the grassy median on Woodward. Shame on me for J-Walking, but the catch was worth it. 

And lastly, I came across a Pidgy death starring me in front of Rust Belt Market, and I caught his ass. BOOM. 

All in all, Pokémon Go is amazing and actually gets the needs outside! You can rack the steps on your FitBit and fulfill your inner-Pokémon dreams.