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The cut scenes hurt, the tasks are groaners, but AC is still damn playable

Jan 12, 2011 at 12:00 am

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
PlayStation 3

Assassin's Creed has become a household name amongst all console gamers — love it or hate it, the franchise had a great launch. But AC Brotherhood reveals disappointing changes. After choppy, substandard cinematics, we get to play the exact same thing for hours — you'll hit the same two buttons many, many times, while you attack the same few AI characters many, many times. Ubisoft apparently tried to compensate for a weak story here by forcing us to perform petty tasks. Since when is carrying a box of flowers around for an old lady while she rambles about her friend's birthday party an exciting stealth action sequence? More, the character animations during cut scenes are hurtful to play.

I went from hopeful to disappointed because AC:B didn't utilize advanced graphics.

But not all is lost. The gameplay isn't terrible; it's smooth and easy to control, even if you're on it for the first time. On the other side of that, it's essentially the same 20 minutes of gameplay on a loop. If you're an Assassin's Creed fanboy, by all means get this game and play it to its hack-and-slash and petty-task fullest.