This week, in a move that was equal parts SMH-inducing and unsurprising, a group of state Republican senators tried to designate an official day to celebrate corporations. The idea was to recognize Michigan's corporations for, among other things, "their progress in protecting and nurturing the environment, operating with integrity, and creating great places to work."
We never got a hold of Battle Creek Republican Sen. Mike Nofs, who introduced the resolution, to figure out what exactly he meant by that draft language. But thanks to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, we did manage to get a hold of a list of his biggest campaign donors, most of whom are — you guessed it — corporations.
His seven Republican colleagues who co-sponsored the resolution get a fair share of money from corporations or corporate-connected donors, too; metro Detroit senators Mike Kowall and Jack Brandenburg are among them.
Below, you'll find a list of the biggest donors to the lawmakers who backed the "Corporate Citizenship Day" effort. MCFN says it compiled donations from 2011 through present. The lists include direct donations to the candidates as well as donations to their connected committees.
Sen. Mike Nofs
1. Comcast Corp. PAC, $16,000
2. Michigan Credit Union League Action Fund, $14,000
3. DTE Energy Co. PAC, $13,000
4. CMS Energy Employees for Better Government, Consumers Energy, $12,100
5. Telecommunications Association of Michigan, $11,850
6. Citizens Action Fund (Sterling), $10,070
7. Michigan State Police Troopers PAC, $9,950
8. JP Morgan Chase Michigan PAC, $8,000
9. Michigan Bankers Association PAC, Bank PAC, $7,200
10. AT&T, $6,850
Sen. Jack Brandenburg, Macomb County
1. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $20,000
2. Moroun family, $17,000
3. Michigan Association of CPAs, $16,500
4. DeVos family, $14,000
5. Auto Dealers, $12,600
6. DTE Energy Co., $11,850
7. Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association, $11,250
8. Realtors PAC, Michigan Association of Realtors, $11,000
9. Michigan Bankers Association, MI BANK PAC, $10,700
10. Richardville Leadership Fund, Randy Richardville, $10,000
11. McLaren Health, $10,000
12. Michigan Chamber PAC, $10,000
Sen. Mike Kowall, Oakland County
1. Moving Michigan Forward Funds, Arlan Meekhof, $50,000
2. Michigan Health & Hospital Association, Health PAC, $34,950
3. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $33,600
4. Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association, $24,984
5. AT&T, $24,000
6. Mike Kowall, $20,912
7. Detroit International Bridge, $20,000
8. Michigan Association of Health Plans, MAHP, $20,000
9. DeVos family, Amway, $18,000
10. DTE Energy PAC, $17,900
Darwin Boooher, Upper Penninsula
1. Darwin Booher, $41,815
2. Michigan Credit Union League, $13,000
3. Michigan Bankers Association PAC, Bank PAC, $12,600
4. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PAC, $11,900
5. JP Morgan Chase & Co Michigan PAC, $11,500
6. DeVos family, $9,000
7. Flagstar PAC, $6,500
8. Michigan Jobs Fund, Roger Kahn, $6,352
9. Friends of Ferris, $4,500
10. CMS Energy Employees for Better Government, $4,150
Sen. Dave Hildenbrand, Kent County
1. DeVos family, Amway, $21,000
2. Business Leaders for Michigan PAC, $18,500
3. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PAC, $17,500
4. Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association PAC, $13,785
5. DTE Energy PAC, $13,750
6. Meijer PAC, $13,650
7. Michigan Association of Realtors, Realtors PAC, $9,250
8. Auto Dealers of Michigan PAC, $8,500
9. Comcast PAC, $8,500
10. Michigan Bankers Association PAC, MI BANK PAC, $7,750
Sen. John Proos, southwest Michigan
1. CMS Energy Employees for Better Government, Consumers Energy, $27,400
2. DTE Energy PAC, $25,000
3. Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association PAC, $19,000
4. Comcast Co. PAC, $16,500
5. Michigan Chamber of Commerce PAC, $14,450
6. Michigan Association of Health Plans PAC, MAHP PAC, $12,900
7. Michigan Credit Union League, $10,950
8. Realtors PAC, Michigan Association of Realtors, $10,050
9. General Motors Corp. PAC, $9,500
10. DeVos family, $9,000
Sen. Goeff Hansen, western Michigan
1. Senate Republican Campaign Committee, $201,736
2. Health Care Association of Michigan, HCAM PAC, $20,000
3. DeVos family, $16,000
4. Michigan Association of Realtors, Realtors PAC, $15,700
5. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PAC, $13,550
6. Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association PAC, $12,650
7. Business Leaders for Michigan, $12,000
8. Michigan Association of Health Plans PAC, MAHP PAC, $11,500
9. Meijer PAC, $11,000
10. CMS Energy Employees for Better Government, Consumers Energy, $11,000
Sen. Tom Casperson, Upper Penninsula
1. Operating Engineers Local 324, $11,500
2. DTE Energy Co. PAC, $11,000
3. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PAC, $11,000
4. Michigan Association of Realtors, Realtors PAC, $10,500
5. Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters PAC, $10,500
6. (Randy) Richardville Leadership Fund, $10,000
7. Michigan Health & Hospital Association, Health PAC, $9,500
8. DeVos family, $9,000
9. Michigan Association of Health Plans PAC, MAHP PAC, $8,750
10. Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation PAC, MITA PAC, $5,339
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