19 years ago this week in Metro Times: Alexander Cockburn comments on Americas anti-terrorism strategy, claiming inconsistencies in the Reagan administrations position. He cites an interview from The Today Show with national security advisor John Poindexter, during which the latter had twitched gloomily while providing assurances that the defensive weapons they had supplied Iran had been small in quantity. Poindexter obviously didnt believe what he was saying, writes Cockburn, and neither did anyone else. What was happening: Billy Bragg at the Nectarine Ballroom.
13 years ago this week in Metro Times: Leroy Whitfield reports on evidence indicating that the Nation of Islams minister of health, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, and as many as 70 other doctors hes working with may be preying upon the vulnerability of African-American AIDS patients and Afrocentric pride by selling the drug Immunex as an AIDS cure. Muhammad charges $250 per month for a drug that at other places can be had for $10 per month because of its doubtful efficiency. What was happening: White Zombie, Danzig, and Kyuss at Harpos.
Eight years ago this week in Metro Times: John Gallagher reveals how much the Greektown and Atwater groups have spent for the chance to build casinos in Detroit. After application fees, advertising campaigns and political contributions, more than $10 million has been invested in their bids for two of three available licenses. The Greektown group has benefited from a variety of tax breaks and other assistance from the city of Detroit and Wayne County. Gallagher writes that with all that tax money flowing back to the Greektown group, taxpayers helped finance its political lobbying. What was happening: Atomic Fireballs at the Magic Stick.
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