Attention Span

Jan 12, 2000 at 12:00 am


Like something that just flew in from an old episode of "Star Trek," Eye-Trek video glasses offer a full-screen video view from – you guessed it – a pair of specs.

The manufacturer, Olympus, says it’s equivalent to watching a 52-inch screen with high-quality integrated audio. The wireless specs offer private cinema "anytime, anywhere."

Billed as lightweight, compact and comfortable, Eye-Trek can be hooked up to any TV, VCR, DVD or other video source. They can even receive signals through walls, which, incidentally, you don’t have to worry about running into – the design allows wearers to see their surroundings. According to the product Web site, Eye-Trek’s popularity is already taking off with Japan Airlines first-class passengers on long flights. Go to for more information.


For those who haven’t seen a great body from a bottle since "I Dream of Jeannie," check out Enforma Natural Products’ Enforma System. This infomercial giant is rolling in the reduced-fat dough, selling its Fat Trapper and Exercise in a Bottle supplement duo for about $70. The company claims that the Fat Trapper blocks the absorption of dietary fats, so users can eat a cheeseburger and, supposedly, head off the cholesterol and grease at the pass. Exercise in a Bottle, the complementary supplement, is touted as a fat burner. But buyer beware – the booklet that comes with the set might be the key to the success of this program. It contains advice on a healthy diet and exercise. Now, who would be stupid enough to try that? Go to to get the skinny on these products.


The Internet offers access to things that were once – and perhaps should remain – obscure and hard to find.’s online offerings, custom fake corpses, are perfectly horrific examples. Besides fake alien and human corpses and heads, the company specializes in creating original works to buyers’ specifications, from clothing and size to hair and skin color and degree of decay. The dead dummies start at $550, with optional lights, severed arms, death warrants, portraits and other ghastly goodies at additional cost.