Poster artist Gary Grimshaw may have died in January, but his friends, family and fans can rest assured that his work will live for many years to come. Detroit Rocks: A Pictorial History of Motor City Rock and Roll 1965 to 1975 was originally published in 2012 but it’s getting a bit of a timely re-examination. The book pulls together many of Grimshaw’s wonderful posters and Leni Sinclair’s equally wonderful photographs. Together (and with help from Carl Lundgren), the two of them have given us an immaculate visual reminder of what was so great about the ’60s rock ’n’ roll scene in Detroit. This book allows us to see much of that work without having to scour the Web. Locals like the MC5 and Iggy, and out-of-towners like Hendrix and the Who, look great on Sinclair’s snaps, with Grimshaw providing the color.