Royal Trux and Negative Approach at El Club tomorrow, Saturday, May 13

click to enlarge Royal Trux and Negative Approach at El Club tomorrow, Saturday, May 13 (2)
Ms. Herrema in a detail from the 'Twin Infinitives' gatefold.

Here's one way to celebrate. Get two of the 1980s' most influential, uncompromising (and still-unmissably-excellent live) bands to play your club. That's what's happening tomorrow night at El Club, when Royal Trux and Negative Approach will play the venue's first birthday party on Saturday, May 13. Last we checked, tickets were still available at the advance price of $25. At the door, it will cost you $30.

Jennifer Herrema and Neil Hagerty's uncompromising Royal Trux essentially distilled the essence of early 1970s junkie rock and roll music, then poured it down the sink as soon as they got bored with the stuff.

This very rare reunion show by Trux is a big deal. You might even have had to give up some couch space to visiting record nerds that weekend. The band's own announcement for the show follows:

It was the summer of 2000. Royal Trux, seemingly in mid-flight, disappeared. One of the great white hopes of rock and roll was gone, apparently never to return.

It was the summer of 2015. Long years of speculation had come and gone when, apropos of almost nothing, Royal Trux were headlining the Berserktown Festival out in Cali.

The summer of 2017 is coming. Royal Trux have brought their peculiar form of rock, equal parts scorch and melt, to a few selected venues around the country. A bright spot, to be sure, them rearing their fugly head amid the avalanche of a country sliding into ruin. We need the phreedom phight that only Royal Trux can lead. Only they can show us we don't know what side we're really on. While the president hides in his "white house", afraid to visit the working people of this country, Neil and Jennifer will head to Deetroit City on May 13th, to survey the deserted battlefields of American Industry - and to close the barn door! Oh, and also, to bring their unparalleled sprawl, their pounding rhythms and corrosive guitars and their head-scathing songs into HEAVY play at the El Club.

Will we be there? We wouldn't miss it. That's just a fake question, man! The real question is - will you?

As you are surely well aware (since either you or your Dad were at those shows at the Freezer), Negative Approach are one of the most brutal innovators of hardcore punk rock.

Anyway, as we said already, tickets are $25 in advance and $30 day of show, and you can purchase them right here.

Awwww, somebody used their Mac to almost make it look like they used press type, collage, and magic marker. Well done!