What is up with the stigma against male prostate stimulation?

We get a ton of press releases in our inboxes here at the Metro Times, and a lot of them don't even have to do with our great city of Detroit and its surrounding communities and cities, but one press release that swooped its way into our mailboxes today was about a topic that one doesn't see too very often: male prostate stimulation

The e-mail we received was from manshop.com, a website that specializes in toys, lube, and the positive conversation that comes along with men pleasuring themselves through their very own prostate. The website is hosting a a Reddit IAmA with adult entertainer and butt stuff enthusiast Lucas Hart to discuss all things prostate stimulation. 

For those of you who are unaware (straight guys), your prostate gland is located inside your rectum...aka your butthole. And do you know what the nickname for that prostate gland is? Yep, it's the male G-Spot. Aka the mischievously-placed spot that when messaged correctly will take you on a magical rollercoaster ride. Therefore, objects must enter your butthole, and some men are just not okay with that.

And we get it, most straight men (and even some gay men, too) would never even think about anything going inside of their asshole ever. But guess what cis male straight men: it may hurt at first, but prostate stimulation can feel really good. 

The most glaring stigma that comes with anal pleasure is that it automatically makes you "gay." I will say this once, and only one time only: Just because you enjoy prostate stimulation does not mean that you are gay. 

Gay men also touch their dicks just like straight men do, so does that make a straight man gay now? No. We realize that anal sex is the most common way gay men have sex and that is why is it associated with the gay community, but that doesn't mean that a finger up the butthole every once and a while means that you're going to wake up and skip to work with a rainbow blasting out of your asshole. 

So relax, straight guys. We're not hear to convert you into a flaming homosexual that your racist Uncle always talks about at Thanksgiving (p.s.- he's probably gay, though).

Curious? Check out this Savage Love post about what type of toys are good for begginners, or check out Lucas Hart as he does a Reddit IAmA on Tuesday, 8/30 a 4 p.m. PST as he talks about everything that has to do with the prostate! Yay!