DDays: Dimitri Hegemann talks Fisher Body 21 Plant, distillery Motor City Gas is in the pipes for Royal Oak, and more

The word on the street.

Dec 3, 2014 at 1:00 am

Techno Talk

Last week, Berlin club owner Dimitri Hegemann visited Detroit to discuss his plans for the Fisher Body 21 Plant, the abandoned factory the entrepreneur has hopes of transforming into a cultural institution that would feature, in part, a techno club (as he did with an old department store with his world-famous Tresor nightclub in Germany). On Wednesday, Hegemann received a guided tour of the rotting, six-floor building, led by artist Scott Hocking. The up-close survey of the structure apparently didn't deter Hegemann from his vision — though according to the Free Press he wondered aloud how nightclubs in the States could possibly function with a 2 a.m. last call.

On Saturday, Hegemann gave a 45-minute presentation at Trinosophes detailing his plan, which would see a gradual rehab of the building with such attractions as a pop-up restaurant, a market, and a youth hostel, in addition to the nightclub. According to Walter Wasacz, a project consultant (and former MT scribe), more than 200 people showed up to listen to the presentation, with more than half standing as seats had run out. On Monday, Hegemann and Wasacz met with city officials, present owners of the building, along with the DEGC to further hash out their idea, but Wasacz reiterated that these were just preliminary, introductory talks — Hegemann has not begun the process to formally acquire the building. As Wasacz told us, the visit was more about establishing the romantic notions of the Fisher Body 21, not the business side of it.

Fueling Royal Oak

A new whiskey distillery is in the works in Royal Oak. It'll be called Motor City Gas and a former Compuware employee named Rich Lockwood is opening it. There isn't a solidified opening date yet. In fact, it looks like it'll be another month before the public gets a taste. We'll keep you posted as more details emerge.

That one time Model 500 namechecked Metro Times

While taking shelter from the snow at Temple Bar on Friday, DDays was amused when DJ Peter Croce pointed out that Model 500's 1985 record "Night Drive (Thru-Babylon)" namechecks none other than Metro Times. Via Rap Genius:

Well ... I'm driving in a black on black in black Porsche 924

I'm tempting fate a little bit more

My head is filled with techno beat, Metro Times, Face magazine ...

(We never knew we had so much in common with Juan Atkins. Our head is also often always filled with techno beat and Metro Times — except we drive a 1995 Toyota Tercel.)

Speaking of Model 500, Atkins recently announced he will release his first new record under that name in 16 years in January 2015.


We hear that... a new indoor fowling center is about to open on the Detroit/Hamtramck border. What's fowling? American football meets bowling, of course!.

Got some gossip? Send DDays the word on the street to [email protected].