Best TV News


Apr 25, 2012 at 12:00 am

Practice, practice, practice: When you produce 11 hours of live local news every Monday through Friday, and another 11 on the weekends, you should be perceived by viewers as delivering the finest newscasts in town. You certainly deliver the most — it's like the news on FOX2 never goes off! (Think of the money they save not buying syndicated programs!) And with so much extra air to fill after the major stories of the day have been reported, WJBK is the station most likely to show up at the neighborhood festivals in communities in and around Detroit, or invite the chef of a hot new eatery to come on the set and strut his stuff. Led by the flawlessly urbane Huel "Let It Rip" Perkins, grossly unheralded news director Dana Hahn, unbelievably steadfast Sherry Margolis and the chatty new 9 a.m. weekday hour with hunky Jason Carr and entertaining Lee Thomas, FOX2's staggering daily output and consistent quality are all the more incredible considering the station has overcome more internal family tragedies lately than you'll find in the Book of Job.