Best Ways to Pass a Drug Test: How to Pass Any Drug Test (Ultimate Guide)

Sep 1, 2022 at 10:51 am
If you're in the process of applying for jobs, you may be wondering how to pass a drug test. With recreational marijuana use becoming legal in several states, many people worry about drug detection affecting their employment.

If you have an upcoming drug test, that means you'll need to provide a urine, hair, or blood sample to a medical laboratory. While it's not recommended that you provide false samples to a lab, there are some ways to clear your body of marijuana and other toxins.

Keep reading to learn more about how to pass a drug test safely and effectively.

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Why do employers require drug testing?

If you're currently starting a new job, your employer may require a drug test. While it may feel like an invasion of privacy, drug testing is standard practice at many companies.

Company drug tests are important for a wide variety of jobs, especially if there are safety concerns due to the nature of the job.

The question is, why do companies ask for drug testing? Here are some of the main reasons why your workplace may ask someone to undergo drug testing:

• Job safety: Many jobs require a high level of coordination and level-headedness. If you're operating dangerous machinery, for example, your employer needs to know that you're in the proper state of mind.

• Legal requirements: Certain professions, such as healthcare or government jobs, are required by state and federal laws to maintain a drug-free environment. If the agency fails to do so, it may face legal issues.

• To identify drug use: This is the most obvious reason for company drug testing. If a company has a stringent no-drug policy, any future employees will be out of the running for employment at that company. If a drug test indicates the presence of drugs, a company can terminate that employee.

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How long do substances stay in your system?

If you have an upcoming drug test, you're probably wondering how long a substance like THC can stay in your body. The fact of the matter is that your level of cannabis use affects how long THC stays in your system.

Although the effects of marijuana only last for a couple of hours, you can still test positive for THC several days after use. When you use marijuana, fat soluble metabolites remain in your system and can lead to detection on a drug test. These metabolites, known as cannabinoids, stay in the body's fat stores.

According to Mayo Clinic, metabolites can be detected up to three days after using marijuana just one time. For moderate marijuana users who partake 4 times a week, the drug can be detected five days later. Heavy users, who use marijuana daily, will have remnants of the drug up to 10 days later. Finally, for chronic heavy users, cannabis will be detected up to 30 days after the last use.

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Are there different types of drug tests?

In general, there are four different types of drug tests that are used to detect drug use. These tests are all conducted at medical labs with health professionals. While there is a small possibility for false positives and negatives, these tests are extremely accurate for the most part.

For many people, marijuana is a major concern when it comes to drug testing. Because marijuana is legal in some states, this is a common issue when it comes to drug testing. Your workplace might request any of the following drug tests:

1. Urine tests: The urine drug test is the most common type of drug test you're likely to encounter. A urine test involves providing fresh samples of urine for a lab to analyze. Health professionals will look for specific drug markers, along with creatinine, pH, temperature, and color.

Now, in almost all cases, the urine must be provided at the site of the lab. You cannot provide a sample that you took at home. If a urine test was taken hours beforehand, it will no longer be at the right temperature for testing.

Another thing to be aware of is that some employers require someone to supervise you as you provide the urine sample. This pretty much eliminates any chance of swapping urine. Urine tests can indicate the use of marijuana, opiates, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

2. Saliva tests: This type of test indicates the very recent use of most drugs. For cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamines, a saliva test can detect use in the past couple of days. For marijuana, this test will only detect use in the past several hours. A saliva test will require you to spit into a tube or collect a mouth swab.

3. Hair test: A hair test is used to reveal a history of drug use. Hair tests can indicate drug use from three months to five days before the test is taken. For this method to work, the person being tested needs more than an inch of hair. Hair tests typically take longer to complete than other methods. This type of test can reveal the use of cannabis, opioids, PCP, methamphetamines, and cocaine.

4. Blood tests: Blood tests are the most accurate type of drug test, but they are also the most invasive. A blood test must be performed by a trained healthcare professional who knows how to draw blood. The blood sample is then analyzed in a lab. This type of test is highly accurate and can detect marijuana several weeks after use. Blood tests are also used for the detection of alcohol and nicotine use.

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What is the best natural remedy for passing a drug test?

If you have an impending drug test and you're worried about passing, there are a few tools that can help you out. Detox kits are a popular, natural method of bringing marijuana and drugs levels down to an undetectable level.

Detox kits typically consist of several supplements that can help you lower THC and other toxin levels in a short period of time. Most detox kits will also instruct the user to drink a significant amount of water as well.

If you're interested in trying a detox kit, PassYourTest is one of the best options available. Let's go over some of the features of this detox kit.

PassYourTest Detox Kit

This detox kit company has been providing detox solutions for over 20 years. People often turn to these products to help flush their system of drugs. PassYourTest is popular for its natural solutions such as the 5 Day Detoxification Program. Some of the most popular products from PassYourTest include:

Same Day Detoxification Cleanse: This option is for those of you who are looking for a very quick solution. This product is suitable for people who have heavy to extreme exposure to a substance. The product comes in capsule or liquid form and works in 90 minutes. That said, clean results will only last for about 6 hours, so you'll have to be mindful of your timing. It's also important to abstain from all toxins before taking the cleanser.

5 Day Day Detoxification Cleanse: This option is great if you have a bit of notice before your test. The 5 Day Detox program comes with multiple supplements that you'll take over the course of five days. The kit also comes with a meal plan, two home testing kits, and customer support.

10 Day Detoxification Cleanse: This is the most effective option, but it will require some serious forward planning on your part. This program comes with several capsules that are taken over the 10-day course to lower your toxin levels. Like the 5 Day Cleanse, this program comes with a meal planning booklet, customer support, and three home tests.

Cleansing Shampoo Treatment: If you know you have a hair test coming up, this treatment can help take the toxins out of your hair before a drug test. This can be helped to ensure that the hair sample provided doesn't test positive for drugs. The treatment takes about an hour to work and lasts for 24 hours after use.

If you're not certain which detox program is right for you, fill out the product questionnaire on the homepage of the site. This will help guide you to find the specific product that's right for your needs. Remember, for any of these methods to be effective, it's best to drink lots of water and abstain from drugs for as much time as possible before the test.

Are there other ways to pass a drug test?

Aside from detox kits, there are a few other ways that can help you pass a drug test. All of these options can be used to lower THC and toxin levels in your body before testing. That said, it's smart to abstain from the drug before the test for the best results.

Keep in mind that any solution that involves dilution of your urine can lead to problems. Most medical labs are trained to look for false positive tests. If dilution is apparent in any urine samples, the test will be retaken, even if no drugs are detectable.

Some ways to lower the toxin level before a drug test include:

Take a break: This one may seem obvious, but it must be mentioned. Taking a break from marijuana and other drugs is the only sure-fire way to pass your drug test. When you start looking for jobs, it's smart to abstain from any drugs so that you're ready for potential drug tests. Of course, this is an ideal solution. If you've got an unexpected drug test coming up, you may need a more creative solution.

Cleanses: Cleanses are a great way to lower THC to a level that's not detectable. That said, cleanses are not a super quick fix. You'll need to dedicate at least 30 days to your cleanse to see results. While that may seem like a long time, it's not uncommon for it to take up to three months for THC to clear the body without any help. Cleanses usually come in liquid form and need to be taken daily.

Detox Drinks: Detox drinks are similar to a cleanse, but they work much faster. A same-day detox drink can clear the system of THC and toxins within a few hours. When you drink a detox drink, you'll be given a narrow window of time when your urine will not test positive for drugs. These drinks typically instruct the user to drink plenty of water as well. Just a heads up— it’s possible for the effects of a detoxification drink to dilute your urine too much. If this happens, you'll probably have to take the test again.

Synthetic Urine: Fake urine is another possible way to cheat a drug test. If you do try this method, you should know that it is highly risky. Many states have made fake urine illegal and have banned its use. Falsifying your results can land you in some potential legal trouble, so make sure to check out the laws in your state. Besides that, synthetic urine may be missing the correct markers such as creatinine level, pH, and temperature.

Do home remedies work to pass a drug test?

If you're short on time or money, it may be tempting to go for a home remedy. If you've done any research on this, you've probably seen methods such as adding Visine to your urine.

Another popular home method is drinking apple cider vinegar in hopes of stimulating fat burning, which then clears the body of THC. Some people even swear by adding vinegar or lemon juice directly into urine to mask the presence of drugs.

Unfortunately, these methods are dubious at best. When you choose a home remedy, you're really rolling the dice. Best to play it safe and use a product like PassYourTest that was created specifically for the purpose at hand.

How to Pass a Drug Test- Key Takeaway

If your goal is to beat a drug test, the best thing you can do is abstain from drug and marijuana use altogether. That means taking a break for several weeks before your upcoming test. Of course, there are some cases when you need to take a test without much notice.

If you're facing this situation, your best option is to use a product that was designed to eliminate substances from your body. A detoxification kit can help flush out toxins quickly, so you can take your test without worry.