In a piece that appeared on last week, columnist Robert Scheer pretty much summed up the way we’re feeling about what appears to be a pending raid on our future.
“Are we all dimwits?” queries Scheer, asking a reassuringly News Hit-like rhetorical question. “We just sit there with goofy looks on our faces while the economy sputters and the president blows what remains of the budget surplus on a tax giveaway to the rich. With nary a peep as the ‘what, me worry?’ kid has the gall to make stealing funds from Social Security and Medicare — to pay for a military buildup to fight an enemy that doesn’t exist — sound like fiscal responsibility.”
Amen, brother Scheer. Amen.
News Hits is edited by Metro Times news editor Curt Guyette. Call 313-202-8004 or e-mail [email protected]