Thirteen local environmental, community and social justice organizations will hold an “open forum” from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at Sacred Heart Activities Building, 3451 Rivard St. (in the Eastern Market area). According to organizers, topics of discussion will include issues such as air quality, water conservation and accessibility, clean energy, economic development to create green jobs, land management, and food security.
Another issue certain to be a focus of discussion is the issue of incineration, which has been a key battle from many of the groups involved in the event. Sponsors include Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Ecology Center, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit, Hush House, People’s Water Board Coalition, Riverbend Community Association, Rosedale Recycles, Michigan Environmental Council, Sierra Club, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision and others.
At least five candidates have agreed to participate.
“The goal of the forum is to give voters the opportunity to hear candidates’ plans to meet environmental challenges,” says Sandra Turner-Handy, a spokesperson for the Forum and the Coalition for a New Business Model for Detroit Solid Waste, which advocates a recycling, waste materials recovery system for Detroit.
For more information contact Margaret Weber at [email protected] or 313-938-1133.