Erratum: In Michael Jackman's story about the MacArthur Bridge and the Detroit River, one interviewee's surname was rendered incorrectly due to a fact-checking error. Her name is Courtney Henriette.
Whose fault is it anyway?
In January we published two stories by Curt Guyette about the failures of Detroit's Education Achievement Authority (EAA). Those stories are still at the forefront of our readers' minds.
"Well, here they go again," to paraphrase a quote, as relates to Gov. Rick Snyder's attempt to place Detroit schools under the control Mayor Mike Duggan. First and foremost, Duggan was elected, by the citizens of Detroit, to do one thing and one thing only — run the city of Detroit, not the Detroit schools! The schools, DPS, charters, and the EAA, have their own myriad problems, which Mayor Duggan doesn't need as he's trying to navigate Detroit out of a stormy sea to more calmer water, which would be nothing but a distraction. So, leave the Detroit schools alone and let educators run them, not politicians! — Thomas A. Wilson Jr.
Ridin' dirty?
Alysa Offman blogged about changes to Slow Roll that will require every rider to purchase a membership in order to participate. Some readers understood that the changes are necessary to keep the ever-growing ride going, others were outraged, and Slow Roll co-founder Mike MacKool didn't like our terminology.
MacKool says: Your post about "shelling out" for Slow Roll doesn't even match what you even say in the article. We really appreciate you spreading the word, and the article is great. I just don't know why you would share it [in] such a negative light."
Reader Jack Straw says: It's $10 for the year. If you can't drop a 10 spot to keep the ride safe and help promote a positive relationship between cyclists and motorists then stay home or ride by yourself. If you love the ride and can't afford it, they already said they'd provide hardship memberships. Me personally, I'm gonna pay $50 for the upgraded membership because I love the ride, organizers, and what they've done to promote cycling in the city. Many bike shops, including the one I run, donate lots of tubes, patches, chains, pedals, and other parts throughout the year. It adds up. It will become a better ride with the membership fee.
Reader Nick Rowley says: Free or paid the idea of membership is what's silly. Why would one need to have membership in order to pedal in a lethargic manner in proximity to a bunch of other lethargic peddlers?
Reader "SlowRollNoobz" says: I feel bad for people who think Slow Roll is a legit bicycle event. Generally, it's for bikers who are ignorant of biking and bicycle culture. Slow Roll equals groupthink elitism. Mike [MacKool] and Jason [Hall] act as though they own bicycle culture in Detroit, and they think anyone who tries to critically analyze what they're doing is just jealous of their fame. All the hardest-core bikers I know in town are anti-Slow Roll for all of these exact reasons.
Express yourself
Once again, Lee DeVito broke the Internet with a blog post about Madonna and her penchant for trashing Michigan.
Reader "TrollyTrollTrollTroll" says: Nice job defending this clown, MT. She has always bashed Michigan. She has never had anything good to say about it. If you were old enough to remember the early days of MTV you would remember her bashing us then, calling Michigan a dump full of hillbillies. But, then again kissing the rears of no talent performers is what you do best.
Reader "Curious" says: But Madonna is right: Michigan is full of "basic, provincial-thinking people." And she said that about growing up there — which means in the '60s and '70s.
The fact that you people can't stand her opinion about the state she grew up in (which gives her complete authority to speak of HER OWN experience there) is another proof of how basic and provincial-thinking some of you are.
Next time you decide to attack Madonna's OPINION about HER EXPERIENCE growing in Michigan, prove her wrong. But how exactly can you prove Michigan was not full of basic, provincial-thinking people?
The simple fact that it is 2015 and same-sex marriage is still banned in this ass-backward state is an indication of how hard a task you have.