Liberal think tank sees state's green prospects

Jan 14, 2011 at 5:41 pm
What? A progressive, activist organization lauding a Republican?

And over green policy?

What’s happened? Gov. Rick Snyder and Michigan’s path toward and potential in the green economy caught the attention of the liberal think tank the Center for American Progress, that’s what.

An article posted on the group’s website Friday at, “Maintaining Michigan’s Clean Energy Momentum: How to Continue Growing Green Industries in the Great Lake State,” offers praise for our past and direction for the future for our new governor, the Legislature and the business community.

The article makes compelling arguments strengthened by data, history and economic insight. It recommends strengthening the state’s energy efficiency mandate, developing a financing mechanism for clean energy, reducing coal-powered energy and developing a strong urban development strategy among other projects.

Some are underway, some need some help from the new governor. But will he deliver?