Letters to the Editor

Aug 4, 2010 at 12:00 am

Ranter's delight

Congratulations on your 30 years in publication. Having just turned 30 myself, I can appreciate the milestone.

I have fond memories of picking up MT and Orbit as a teenager to find out what local punk and ska shows were going on, and snickering at the personal ads in the back. Life is Hell, Red Meat and Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World were also highly anticipated. 

The article, "Grosse Pointe Grapple," which featured the Backyard Wrestling Federation that I was once champion of, was also a pretty big deal as an 11th grader. Later on, seeing shows for some of my old bands advertised in your pages was fun. 

It was cool of you guys to print so many of my angry ranting letters over the years. Here's to 30 more. —Dan Keizer, Eastpointe

Missing leaders

Just read your piece in Metro Times. I am a black Vietnam vet of two tours. I felt my country needed me so I gave up a college deferment and signed up for the United States Air Force.

In spite of all of the bullshit that goes on from time to time and having seen most of the rest of the world, this is the only place for me. I was born in Detroit, and, as I look back over my 62 years, I am reminded that this city usually extends its hand to everyone — but unfortunately it is usually palm-up.

I know this is off topic, but I would like to see the current mayor sent back to the free throw line where he was effective. For now, the mayor is — as they used to say in science class at Central High (Class of 1966) — "Matter: He has weight and takes up space!" Where are the Mahaffeys, the Kellys and Ravitzes when we need them? —J. McClinton, Detroit

Yooper pooper

Re: Jack Lessenberry's column "Who for governor?" (July 28), filed from Copper Harbor. Jack: The Upper Peninsula doesn't need your advice. Next year, vacation in Ohio. We don't want you back. —Don Michael Rappleyea, L'Anse

Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to  313-961-6598;  e-mail to  [email protected]. Please include your telephone number.  We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity and libel.