Firearm fracas
I can't begin to express the joy Jack Lessenberry gave me upon reading his diatribe concerning the recent ruling of the Supreme Court ("Shooting straight," Metro Times, July 2). Whoa, dude! How do you really feel about those evil inanimate objects called guns? Fact No. 1: At the time the Founding Fathers signed the Constitution, there were rifled muzzle-loaders that could shoot accurately out beyond 500 yards, and dueling pistols that were deadly out to 50 yards.
Next fact: If you really, really are concerned about children dying needlessly, stop them from riding in automobiles. Auto collisions are the No. 1 killer of people under 18, followed by firearms. (However, very few children are killed by playing with a gun in the home when they are by themselves, though any is still too many.)
Next fact: Of all the firearm deaths in the United States, 68 percent are self-inflicted, i.e. suicides! —Zed Feral Child, Smithville, Texas
Fight smoking ban
As the owner of New Dodge Lounge on Joseph Campau in Hamtramck and a City Council member, I would like to encourage Detroit's bar and club employees and owners to speak out on an issue that will surely affect them, a looming statewide indoor smoking ban that may pass in the next few weeks.
We all understand that smoking is not appropriate in all situations and places. However, Detroit's bars are adult establishments, where children are prohibited and where customers are free to choose those bars that meet their entertainment needs. I worry this ban will unnecessarily take that choice away.
I also worry about our bartenders, bar backs, servers and other bar employees. If this ban passes, I think we all expect some (if not great) losses in sales. That could mean losses in tips or layoffs. I worry our lawmakers are not discussing the economic costs of a smoking ban.
If you work or socialize in a bar, you have a right to express your opinion (for or against) on this issue and I hope each and every person affected will contact their local lawmaker to do so. —Cathie Gordon, owner, New Dodge Lounge, Hamtramck
I am writing regarding Michael Jackman's article on the Kronk Boxing Team ("Fighting for life," Metro Times, July 2). Javan Hill, the person Jackman praises in the article, needs to be a better leader and surround himself with good coaches, not his friends and family as well. He can also leave his ego at the door.
Many people here in the area want to bring boxing back to Detroit including myself. It doesn't matter what club these kids represent. This summer at the Junior Olympics, Daniel Smith of Dynamics Boxing, Erick De Leon of Kronk and Southwest Detroit Boxing have each won championships in their weight divisions and nothing was reported in the local papers — including Metro Times.
Smith is a 16-year-old heavyweight and De Leon is also an outstanding boxer and student at Lincoln Park High School. Many experts, such as Emanuel Steward, say De Leon will be the next Oscar De La Hoya.
These kids need all the support they can get because many believe, including myself, that they are the future of sports in Detroit. —Angel Luis Caraballo, Detroit, trainer, Southwest Detroit Boxing