Letters to the Editor

Jul 2, 2008 at 12:00 am

Poster booster

In response to Rebecca Mazzei's article, "Rock posters supreme" (Metro Times, June 25), I thought there was a serious omission of a fantastic and (apparently) overlooked Detroit talent: that of Robert Nixon. (You can see his work online at tinyurl.com/55pfxa). His work has drawn attention from many local bands, and his body of work is large enough for a mere mention from a periodical that supports local talent. Come on: Show some love. —Jarrod Jones, Ypsilanti

Too possessive?

Dear Jack: I'm a regular — and avid — reader of your column. Even if I do not always share all your opinions, I enjoy your sarcastic humor as well as your holy anger.

English is only my second language, but I bear it in high esteem and try to respect it. So in these days of shoddy writing and mutilated syntax, I appreciate your style. But it seems that, at least recently ("Kwame's future," Metro Times, June 18), you suffered from a slip of the pen — or a short in your keyboard. In your June 18 column ("Kwame's future," Metro Times), you wrote: "I'm a personal friend of Sedler's."

Wouldn't a grammarian call this a double possessive? —Jean-Marie Allion, Detroit

Playing "keep away"

I read with interest Larry Gabriel's column, "Keeping distance," (Metro Times, June 18), and must ask the question: Who gave Mayor Kilpatrick "an offer he couldn't refuse" — as he chose to not attend the rally for Obama held at Joe Louis Arena, Monday June 16? Could it be he has a modicum of decency left (which I doubt) or did he learn from his not-so-friendly reception and the boos he received at the Red Wings Stanley Cup celebration at Hart Plaza? I highly doubt it — as his arrogance will not let him be embarrassed. Mayor Kilpatrick is analogous to what Kryptonite is to Superman — and that's impending doom. Sen. Obama has every right to not be seen with the scandal-laden Mayor Kilpatrick, as this could have some far-reaching political impact on his ability to win Michigan in the election in November for the office of president. So I hope he, Kilpatrick, continues "keeping distance" from Sen. Obama. —Thomas A. Wilson Jr., Detroit

Just review the movies

Regarding your review of Standard Operating Procedure (Cinema, June 4): Where do you get off fucking with me?

Messing with my conscience. Making me think. Making me feel guilty. Making one take some action. Making me feel the Red Wings aren't important. Stopping me from going to the mall to "shop." Making me try to care. Insulting my life. Insulting my mind by asking, "Why worry your beautiful minds on dead Iraqis and maimed soldiers? Indiana Jones and Carrie Bradshaw beckon." I was planning to see Indiana Jones; now I don't want to go.

What gives you the right to fuck with my American life and my right to pursue happiness. I had an idea what made me happy and at peace. You have no right to fuck all my beliefs and way of thinking. Just review the damn movie, OK? Your job is not to question what I think, or how I should think. I love me. Apologize. —Dan Janusis, Canton

Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to 313-961-6598; e-mail to [email protected]. Please include your telephone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity and libel.