As the problems in Probate Court were uncovered, I kept abreast by reading the articles in other publications. Curt Guyette’s article ("Mother and child rebellion," Metro Times, July 10-16) did an excellent job putting these events into a human perspective. Thanks for the good work. However, you didn't go far enough. I want to know what can be done to fix the system. This is a very important question for families that might have to depend on probate court to take care of their loved ones after they die. —Karen Pope, Grosse Pointe Park
Fundamental facts
There is always danger involved when painting with a large brush (as I am about to do) but I think we can safely generalize that fundamentalism kills. Whether we are talking religious, political or ideological, the fundamentalist mindset is dependant upon validating its own "Choseness"
while demonizing all other groups. As Keith A. Owens indicated, this mindset was most certainly exemplified by the comments of the Rev. Jerry Vines ("Beliefs & believers, Metro Times, July 3-9).
However, while Allah may not be in the habit of turning his devotees into terrorists, the predisposition on the part of some of his followers to oppose modernity, democracy, education and equal suffrage, while embracing a theology and moral code that have not evolved since the Middle Ages make for very poor representatives. Or at least that's what I believe. —Joshua Cheek, Auburn Hills
Truth sets us free
Great column by Keith A. Owens on religion. In the long run, the only thing that counts is truth. Those who tell it face a certain amount of persecution, but so be it. Long live the truth. —Stevan Holsey, Detroit
Fooling the people
I agree that Jack Lessenberry's proposed mix of district and at-large City Council members might be an improvement ("Council: Taking the pledge," Metro Times, July 3-9). However, I question the argument that clowns, charlatans and fools are less likely to be elected because voters will know their district candidates better than those elected at large. I recall that Alonzo Bates first was elected to public office as a Region 5 School Board member, an area roughly the size of a district in Jack's five-district proposal. Furthermore, Bates got plenty of negative ink during his board incumbancy before running successfully for council. Go figure. —Barbara Bommarito, Detroit
Hidden agenda
Thank dog for my fellow traveler, Jack Lessenberry. I could not believe the crap I read in the Oakland Press about the knee-jerk reaction to the "under God" wrongness in the pledge. And don't get me started about how stupid it is to make folks pledge to a piece of cloth! Why is no one worried about ignoring the part about liberty and justice for all? Yep, thank dog for Jack Lessenberry. He’s my kinda pinko! I suspect there are others like me hidden in Oakland County who wish these columns were not just seen by the youngsters picking up Metro Times to see were to party this week. —Äny Salyer, Troy
In "Mother and child rebellion," (Metro Times, July 10-16) Metro Times reported that, with the approval of Chief Probate Court Judge Milton Mack, conservator George Cushingberry made loans from one estate he managed to other estates he oversaw — a practice that is, at very least, highly unethical. Mack says that although he did endorse the loans when questions were originally raised about them during a court hearing, he did so without knowing that Cushingberry was in charge of all the different accounts involved.