Couched in darkness

Mar 12, 2003 at 12:00 am

This week’s abandoned house, 5485 24th St., sits on a lonely block in a quiet neighborhood near the intersection of I-94 and I-96. Both the facing lot, across 24th, and the rest of the block on which the home stands are empty snowfields (at least they were last week), though on the other side of Hudson there are several worn but inhabited dwellings. Built in 1900, the two-family flat was acquired by the city in 1996. Last year it was assessed at $4,250. A passer-by said that the house has been empty for as long as she remembers, though an overstuffed couch in the windowless front room looked comfy enough. A pair of socks draped over the front gate also hinted at an itinerant resident.

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