Remember Aretha Franklin with these 10 celebrated hits

Aug 16, 2018 at 2:07 pm
click to enlarge Remember Aretha Franklin with these 10 celebrated hits
Photo courtesy of Atlantic Records featured in 'Billboard,' page 9, 15 July 1967 via Wikimedia Commons
In the wake of Aretha Franklin's passing at age 76 after a battle with pancreatic cancer, few words can be said to truly give credit to the groundbreaking contributions made by Queen of Soul.

As we collectively mourn the loss of one of Detroit's greatest cultural figures, we've curated a collection of some of Aretha's most celebrated hits and slept-on gems for your listening pleasure.

I'll Keep on Smiling

Released on Columbia Records in 1967, "I'll Keep on Smiling" was just a taste of things to come before the artist released the anthem that would cement her in the memories of listeners across generations.