Motor City Five

Some quick questions with Pat Jordache

Mar 9, 2011 at 12:00 am

Pat Jordache played with Tune Yard's Merill Gebus as well as Islands, but he's got a new combo and record that recalls a lo-fi TVOTR with Gogol's punkish acoustic approach. Dig "Phantom Limb" on his new record on Future Sounds.

What surprised you about making this new record?

I learned that ska, drum and bass hit me deeper at an impressionable age than I'd like to admit.

How would you respond if five years ago you traveled in time to hear your new album?

Why do I sound like Rick Astley?

The pros and cons of Montreal's music scene?

Montreal's the best; it has all the pros, including flagrant disregard for "the man." Cons? I ain't gonna trash-talk my town in your paper!

How'd you put together this new band?

I sorta started an open-door policy: If you wanna get behind this thing, then come on in, I need true believers. It got me playing with amazing people.

Care to share a Detroit memory?

Eating breakfast with the kids from Prussia and Common Cloud Records ... realizing that all the things I loved about home exist in Detroit. I felt like I could stay, that my band could go on without me, and I'd start from scratch here and it'd be OK.

The Old Miami on Saturday, March 12. See�