I was shouldered by a man stutter-step-undulating across the floor of the Knights of Columbus Lounge, Blowout 2006, his face obscured by a spherical, full-headed Eyeball-mask.
And there was Child Bite - on the floor/stage, like three human lightning rods, three spark-spurting rusty tumble dryers spitting fiery sock-balls in metallic spasms, three pinball machines tipping over onto chaos-facilitating ball-bearings spilled across the beer-soaked linoleum...
...there were guitars and keyboards and flashing lights and lots of shamanistic shouts. Proto-Vision Crimes! Drums. Hooks. Three minute freak-outs with two breaths between each set.
Something like that... But sort of nothing like "punk," per-se... Born of the spirit, I suppose, that ethos in mutating traditional forms, be it pop? be it heavy-metal? be it post-punk-via-synth-pop, more-so? It was mangy and valiant and wild and ...ya couldn't take your ears-off-of-it.
Something like that... Long story short: I've always had a predilection towards this Detroit project - fronted/sustained by graphic artist/keyboardist/singer Shawn Knight -and bolstered by bassist Sean Clancy, guitarist Brandon Sczomak and drummer Ben Moore.
And that's all something like me taking a long time to say that Child Bite reached back to their punk-roots for a forthcoming special (highly limited) 7" single -
- a second edition in the American Hardcore Tribute series - this time featuring notable local noise-rock/punk-pop/metal-manglers - Golden Torso, Old Gods and Hellmouth!
That's all something like me taking a long, crazy time to say that - you can only hear their special covers of Dead Kennedys and Melvins tunes by
a.) showing up to Small's on October 25th...
b.) grabbing a 7" vinyl copy of your own...
c.) feebly imagining it in your own brain and coming up, likely, short of the genuine-article.
Further fun/nostalgic/vital - Viewing: