Exodos Rooftop welcomes summer with 'Rooftop Saturdays'

Raise the Bar

May 13, 2015 at 4:00 am

Above Greektown's Golden Fleece is a bar that's a far cry from your traditional Greek restaurant. Though the same family that runs the eatery below owns the second-story bar, you won't find any gyros or saganaki here.

With exposed brick walls, sleek leather couches, and rooftop deck, Exodos is a prime place to party whether it's mid-winter or the dog days of summer. Of course, we're pretty partial to warmer weather when it comes to Exodos. That's when that aforementioned rooftop deck opens.

Come weekends, the open-air party spot features local DJs and a spectacular nightlife experience. Saturdays are designated "Rooftop Saturdays," and DJ Nass spins big hits and familiar tunes. Though the deck has been shuttered due to cold weather, there will be a grand reopening party on Saturday, May 16 that will herald in the summer season in spectacular fashion. According to owner Yanni Dionisopoulos, the party will feature resident Nass as well as local favorite, DJ Matt Aubrey.

Generally the deck packs a diverse crowd of young people, sometimes folks are dressed to impress, and other times you'll spot folks in Tigers gear. We've even spotted people grabbing a drink at the bar sporting navy caps and gowns.

With Memorial Day the weekend after the rooftop deck's grand opening, Exodos also has a weekend full of Movement parties planned for May 22-24. Dionisopoulos plans to have special entertainment Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights during the annual electronic music festival.

As a culmination to the weekend's events on Sunday, May 24, City Air Detroit will present an all day and night affair that they're calling "Sunday Social and BBQ." The party starts at 3 p.m. and will feature out-of-town DJs like Los Angeles' Wood Holly, Chicago's Special E.D., New York's Craft, and Milwaukee's Markis with local support from Dru Ruiz, Tom T, Doug English, Ross Regs, Players Club, Ghita Sisters, Justin Ngelhart, and Food Fight. The barbecue portion takes place from 3 to 7 p.m., but the party goes until 2 a.m.

With the entire summer ahead, don't expect things to slow down at Exodos. Check their website and Facebook page at facebook.com/RooftopSaturdays to keep up with upcoming events, special DJ appearances, and all other goings on.