Abandoned Shelter of the Week

Feb 5, 2003 at 12:00 am
The Abandoned Structure Squad frequently gets inquiries from readers interested in attempting to purchase homes featured in this space, and much of the time we are unable to provide much assistance. When it comes to acquiring abandoned properties, the city bureaucracy is a nightmare, titles are more clouded than Seattle, and owners are in absentia to the max. But there is at least one avenue toward low-cost home ownership that seems relatively easy to traverse: seized properties being auctioned by Wayne County. Pictures of homes can be viewed, and bids placed, online at www.waynecounty.com/property/..

Take for example this week’s gem, a wood-frame bungalow at 3185 Eastlawn in Detroit. The term fixer-upper is far from adequate, but to say it’s affordable is every bit as much of an understatement. As of Monday, the top bid for this property was $701.

So, take it from ASS: If you’re in the market for low-cost housing, this Web site is well worth a look-see.

Text by News Editor Curt Guyette. Photo source: www.waynecounty.com/property/.

Editor’s note: If you know of an abandoned home you would like to see featured in this spot, send a photo and pertinent information to News Hits, c/o Metro Times, 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226 (or e-mail [email protected]).

Check out all of our Abandoned Shelters of the Week