Site in their sights

Jan 29, 2003 at 12:00 am

A hunters’ group is pressuring Michigan State University to shut down a Web site that provides information on animal-related laws. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is demanding MSU cease operation of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center (, charging that the site is biased because it’s sponsored by an animal-rights group, and edited by a professor who has expressed anti-hunting views in the past.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, a nonprofit based in Columbus, Ohio, is particularly pissed that purportedly anti-hunting Web site is being sponsored by a state-funded university. “I don’t think Michigan taxpayers should stand for it, and I know that sportsmen won’t,” announced Alliance president Bud Pidgeon in a press release.

Letter-writing campaigns have now surfaced on both sides of the issue. Thus far, MSU has refused to cave in to pressure from the hunters. Last week, the university issued a statement saying the school had no intentions of shutting down the site.

The Alliance is now calling on Michigan legislators to support its cause, and has already attracted the support of State Rep. Susan Tabor (R-Lansing). “It really disturbs me that public dollars would be used in something as political as this,” said Tabor.

Yeah, we can see how subversive it is to maintain a site dedicated to informing people about the law.

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