Letters to the Editor

Our readers sound off on what's in MT

Dec 22, 2010 at 12:00 am

Buying a bridge

Re: "When Matty wins, we all lose" (Dec. 15), thanks very much to Curt Guyette for the very informative article. It has always amazed me at the cost of going back and forth to Windsor. You spent a lot of time on this story and I really appreciate the information. Great job! The next time someone tells me they have a bridge that they want to sell me, I won't laugh it off — I will ask if it goes to Canada! Hopefully we will eventually get the new competitive bridge that will bring some jobs and a lower potential of terrorist activity in our region. —Andrew Gamalski, Auburn Hills

Holy roll-your-own

It's disappointing that the least likely type of Republican to support medical use of cannabis (marijuana) and cannabis legalization in general ("Pot on the left & right," Dec. 15) is the "moral holy rollers" since God indicates He created all the seed-bearing plants, saying they are all good, on literally the very first page of the Bible (see Genesis 1:11-12 and 29-30). The only Biblical restriction placed on cannabis is to accept it with thankfulness (1 Timothy 4:1-5).

Only an immoral and disobedient Christian would support caging humans for using what God says is good. —Stan White, Dillon, Colo.

Last week's Side Dish column gave incorrect hours for the new Slows to Go. They are open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. daily.