Today is the hottest day of 2017

Fuck everything because today is September 26 and it is the hottest day 2017 so far in southeast Michigan.

Couldn't have happened in July when school was out, pools were open, and we were all working on our #summerbods. Now it's almost the end of September and temperature outside is hotter than the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks.

Luckily if you live near Mt. Clemens by the water you got 88 degree weather, but clearly DTW was the seventh ring of hell today reaching 93 degrees FOUR DAYS BEFORE IT'S OCTOBER.

Thankfully, the rest of the week is supposed to dip down to more comfortable (and actual) fall temperatures.

We know that when it's January in a few months and we're in the middle of another polar vortex that we wish it was hot out again, but this is just too much, fam.