A doc on the Melvins plays at Third Man on Wednesday, May 24

A doc on the Melvins plays at Third Man on Wednesday, May 24
Melvins in 2015. Courtesy photo.

Wednesday, 5/24
The Colossus of Destiny: A Melvins Tale
@ Third Man Records

The legendary Melvins, who have been in the business of being awesome for over thirty years, are finally the subject of their own documentary. The Colossus of Destiny: A Melvins Tale is a compendium of testimonials from peers, producers, and the band itself as they tell the story of how they navigated their way through the Seattle scene and kept their sense of humor through the highs and lows. This is a great way for fans to get ready for the upcoming Melvins show at El Club in July.

Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; 441 W. Canfield St., Detroit; thirdmanstore.com; Tickets are $10.