Your Guide to the Best Dry January Ever

New Year’s resolutions can be a lot of pressure. While the beginning of a new year feels hopeful and optimistic, be sure that you are setting achievable goals. And that, above all, you are kind to yourself regardless of the outcome.

After a busy holiday season, many people decide to participate in “Dry January,” which is a month of abstaining from alcohol. It’s a great way to shake off the extra holiday pounds or break any bad habits that were creeping in with one-too-many happy hours celebrating the festivities!

Dry January might sound boring—or intimidating—but we’re here to help you have a great month and stick with your goals. Let’s start the year off right!

Benefits of Dry January

Dry January is a month-long period of abstinence from alcohol. It’s not a diet, but it can help you lose weight and improve your health by helping you detoxify your body. The health benefits are obvious in both the short and long term. Once you get all the champagne out of your system from a rockin’ New Year’s Eve (unless you stayed home!), the real challenge begins!

Thirty-one days without alcohol might sound easy or hard, depending on your relationship with it. If you’re unsure about your relationship with alcohol, consider this an excellent time to evaluate and see how you feel. In addition to the apparent physical health benefits, there are plenty of mental health benefits, too.

Have you ever experienced ‘hangxiety’ from overindulging? It’s where you feel anxious with a hangover the next day after drinking, wondering if you came across the way you intended, said the things you meant to say and none of the ones you didn’t, and were generally behaving in a way your mom would be proud of. Alcohol is a powerful social lubricant, but it also lowers inhibitions and is appropriately dubbed “liquid courage” for good reason. A month free of this type of next-day anxiety can dramatically boost your mental health.

And, of course, think of all the money you’ll save! This is especially nice after the holiday season when many of us are feeling a little financially depleted. What else can you do with that money? See if you can add up how much you’d normally spend on alcohol in one month and choose something incredible to spend those funds on. Would you like to buy yourself something nice? Donate to a favorite charity? Save for a vacation? All that beer money adds up quickly!

How to Participate in Dry January

If ever there were a time to get your ducks in a row, it’s before jumping into Dry January. Without a plan, you may casually slip back into old habits and end up forgoing the entire thing. So, if you are serious about this amazing month of becoming a better you, let’s get down to business! Here are a few ways you can ensure a successful (and fun!) Dry January.

Invite Friends to Join You

If you're serious about giving up alcohol for a month, invite some friends to do it with you. You'll want someone to keep you accountable. Otherwise, it's easy to fall off the wagon and suddenly find yourself in the IPA aisle picking out your favorite fresh hops.

Supportive social networks have been proven to help people lose weight, quit smoking, and manage stress better—all things that can aid in sticking with resolutions like Dry January.

If your friends aren’t into it, remember that connecting and meeting new people is a good thing! If there aren't enough people nearby who want to join you on this adventure into Dry January, consider finding an online community where others are participating too. These groups can offer valuable advice during times when temptation might get overwhelming and prove invaluable in helping each other face challenges head-on.

Pick a Few New Hobbies to Try

Alcohol sneaks its way into most social encounters, so it takes effort to avoid it altogether. Use this month to expand your imagination and find out what kind of stuff you like to do without getting your drink on.

In the spirit of exploring new things, you should definitely look into a few new hobbies. If there's something you've been curious about but never tried, now's the time! You can join a class at your local community college or take an online course on a subject that interests you. Take that tap dance class, learn how to make kombucha, and start an indoor herb garden. The world is your (sober) oyster!

Invite your participating friends along, or choose activities to do together that don’t usually involve opportunities for drinking. Hike a new trail, check out that new fitness center, and spend a day at the museum.

Exploring new places will be much more fulfilling than sitting at the same bar every weekend, we assure you of that!

Enjoy Better Sleep

Alcohol is the destroyer of quality sleep. Once you detox from that NYE bubbly, you will soon start to experience the benefits of better sleep. Use this opportunity to transform your sleep schedule. Instead of just hitting the pillow as you get tired, create a routine.

Maybe you start showering in the evening to relax your body. Perhaps it’s stretching or light yoga to move that last bit of energy for the day. Journaling is another great way to process your thoughts and continue planning for the new year. Try writing down three things you’re grateful for every day and watch how your abundance mindset shifts over the course of the month.

Since you’re saving on spending at the bar, treat yourself to new sheets, pillows, or even just a nice new pillowcase.

Have Alcohol Alternatives Ready

If you're a fan of alcohol, it can be tough to break your habit. But if you're going to do Dry January right, you need to find ways to enjoy yourself without it. Having non-alcoholic drinks ready will help keep you happy and relaxed as well as provide an alternative for guests who are also participating in Dry January.

In addition to keeping a variety of soft drinks on hand (or even just water), make sure that there are plenty of non-alcoholic cocktails available too—you should have enough variety that people can choose what they want when they want it—and if the choice comes down between drinking something alcoholic or not drinking at all? It’s probably best for everyone involved if everyone just opts out!

Might we suggest some Wynk THC sparkling seltzers? Wynk is an alcohol-free sparkling seltzer with THC and CBD dialed in to deliver the perfect buzz without the hangover. Wynk is like a chill pill in a can that tastes great and doesn’t leave you feeling any hangxiety in the morning. Check out their delicious winter THC mocktail recipes for your next happy hour inspiration.

Happy New Year!

Dry January is a great way to kick off the year. It's not just about giving up alcohol, but also making room for new healthy habits in your life. Whether you decide to continue with Dry January or not, we hope that this guide has shown you how fun and easy it can be! To find Wynk sparkling seltzers, visit their website and enter your location to find a retailer near you.