Ben Carson on guns, Palm Beach, and cars

If there were a daily award for maladroit political posturing online, Ben Carson could claim it. Posting a little Q&A on his Facebook page, Carson fielded a few questions from his fans. One of them was about gun control. Carson began the session by thanking his fans for their outpouring of support for the victims of the latest mass shooting in Oregon. Then he dove right into a question about whether the shooting had changed his mind about the Second Amendment. (Does anybody ever change their mind about the Second Amendment?)

The answer, big surprise, is "no."

Carson tastefully adds that the left is using the crime scene in Oregon to "advance a political agenda," but that's "devastatingly sad."

Or so the man running for president writes to his thousands of followers on his Facebook page. (No agenda to advance there, right?)

He rounds out the Q&A session with a few softball questions about his home in Florida, and what kind of car he drives. You know, to make it seem like it's an actual Q&A session and not some callow bid for more votes.

In a way, it should reassure people to know that Carson is actually running his own Facebook page and not a savvy PR firm. 

That and it's probably the only nationwide thing he'll ever run.