The Hounds Below on Blowout Day 2

By Will A. Shattuck and Jason Stollsteimer (of The Hounds Below)

Paychecks smells like puke And poop. I think the giant pile of orange cones outside the front entrance indicates a recent plumbing malfunction. (Will)

Now on to the bands:

Nam kook and the typhoon were great. The venue for some reason decided to spend their money on lasers and fog machines instead of mics and pa equipment. Which resulted in fog covering the singer Adams face making it impossible to see anything but lasers and shadows. Or was it possibly cigarette smoke, as almost every employee was smoking through out the evening, but telling patrons to go outside to smoke. What gives? (Will + Jason)

Lasers and shit. Fucking lasers all over this bar. (Will)

D'Orcastra was amazing. Not enough mics, so the sound man kept telling the band to turn up the amps all the way. This is blowout in a nut shell for me, like how sxsw is cool because you see all your musician friends and play a ton of shows. D'Orchastra isn't even a band but a bunch of great dudes involved with each other in different ways just getting raw and playing really loud. Near the end of their set Mr. Ronny Tibbs joined the stage and without missing a beat the sound man says "Can you turn up the fifth guitar?" (Will + Jason)

Doop and the inside outlaws - I don't get to see him very often, but always do at blowout and he always delivers. Leanne is incredible and literally didn't flub a single note (I was watching). Plus she's a babe. (Will)

It's closing time, so it's off to that after party at the handgrenades house where everyone finally comes together to talk about what they did and didn't watch. But mostly to drink and speculate on how weird this new blowout feels and it sinks in: we are the vets now, the bands people want to follow around all night. After what we've seen so far we're excited for the rest of hamtramck's portion of blowout and anxious for what the Ferndale weekend will bring. (Will)