Former vice president Joe Biden refers to Detroit women as being from the 'hood'

click to enlarge Former vice president Joe Biden refers to Detroit women as being from the 'hood'
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It is still unclear if the former Vice President Joe Biden is actually bidding for the 2020 presidential ballot, but that hasn't stopped him from acting presidential β€” at least in the current meaning of the word.

During a speech on Tuesday at the Brookings Institution in the nation's capital, Biden took to the podium to lay out income inequality solutions and to remind us again that he is, in fact, not Bernie Sanders.

"I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason we're in trouble," he said. "The folks at the top aren't bad guys. But this gap is yawning, and it's having the effect of pulling us apart."

Biden then launched into a borderline unintelligible segment detailing "elitist" mentalities when it comes to providing opportunities to low-income communities. It was then that Biden pulled out the old Detroit card and referred to under-educated women from Detroit's inner city as being from the "hood."

"We don't think ordinary people can do things like program, code," Biden says. "It's not rocket science, guys."

"So, we went and we hired some folks to go into the neighborhoods and pick 58 women, as it turns out, from the hood, for a 17-week program, if my memory serves me correctly, to learn how to code," the former V.P explained. "Not one had more than a high school degree."

This is not the first time the Delaware Democrat has referred to Detroit women as being from "the hood." In 2014, Biden made basically the same comments while talking about a career training program.

And it's not the first time Biden has made racially charged statements. In 2007, he said of then-presidential candidate Barack Obama: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Watch the full speech here and watch his comment about Detroit below.

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