Q: I'd like information on advertising in Metro Times?
A: Go to the advertising section of our site for more information on retail, classifieds and online advertising.
Q: What are your mechanical specifications, ad sizes, etc? How can I submit my ad?
A: Check out our ad design and production info.
Q: Who should I contact regarding Metro Times sponsorships, partnerships, promotional support etc?
A: As the largest, most-read weekly in metro Detroit, Metro Times receives many requests for our promotional support.
Our advertising retail and classified account executives will be able to provide consultation on marketing solutions available in the paper.
You may also contact us at Sponsorships regarding sponsorships, partnerships or promotional support.
Q: Where can I find out about free stuff/giveaways/contests?
A: Check out our Free Stuff page.
Q: How do I get my event listed?
There are 4 ways to get your events listed:
via email: Send Mail[email protected]
via fax: 313-961-6598
via snail mail:
Listings Editor
Metro Times
PO Box 20734, Ferndale, MI, 48220
via website entry form.
Q: What information should I include in my press release?
WHO: band/event name
WHAT: type of event [i.e. fundraiser, live music (include genre), theater, etc.]
WHERE: location (include address and phone number of venue)
WHY: mission statement (if applicable)
WHEN: time
HOW MUCH: cost of entry and or tickets (if applicable)
IMPORTANT DETAILS: (i.e. all ages show, gay/lesbian friendly, singles event, etc.)
*It also helps to include artwork, press quality photos or jpegs/gifs to accompany your listing. Remember, the more comprehensive the press release, the more comprehensive the listing.
Q: I submitted my listing, why isn't it showing up in the paper?
A: Due to the mass amounts of listings we receive each week, we are not able to include every piece of information that crosses our desks.
We are however, committed to getting as much information into the paper and onto the website as possible. (If a listing does not show up in the paper,
it may have been edited for space or simply did not make the deadline.)
Q: How much advance notice should I give?
A: Listings should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.
Q: How do I find an article that appeared in a previous issue of Metro Times?
A: Check our archives section to locate old articles and special issues.
General Information
Q: Who/What/Where/When/Why is Metro Times?
A: Find the answers to all of these questions in our About Us section.
Q: How can I email/contact someone at Metro Times?
A: Check out our staff directory for more information.
Q: I'd like to work at Metro Times? Are you hiring?
A: Looking for a cure for the common job? Check our job listings to find an opening.