29 WED • ART On the Edge: Contemporary Art from the DaimlerChrysler Collection — Did the guardian knights fall down on the job? The heart of the Detroit Institute of Arts, the areas around the Ford Great Hall with its displays of knightly armor, have seemed so steeped in tradition and antiquity for so long that a museum-goer might suffer a bit of vertigo in viewing a major contemporary exhibition immediately adjacent. But there it is, On the Edge: Contemporary Art from the DaimlerChrysler Collection, a whopping 150-work show by about 80 artists from the 1950s to the present on public display for the first time (and with the DIA as the only U.S. stop for the show’s international tour). With paintings, sculptures, videos and installation art among the offerings, it’s a sweeping, heady conglomeration. And given the corporate benefactor, there’s little surprise that auto themes are well represented, including works by Andy Warhol and Robert Longo. Opens Wednesday, Oct. 29, and continues through Jan. 18, 2004, at the museum (5200 Woodward, Detroit). Call 313-833-7900. The exhibition is free with museum admission, $4 and $1 for children recommended.
31 FRI • ISSUES & LEARNING Michael Moore — On the heels of his latest book — Dude, Where’s My Country? — author and Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore will bring his attacks on the Bubbafied bourgeosie back to his home state. Expect to hear about his current goal of seeing “one long perp walk of administration officials in handcuffs being led out of the White House and into a waiting paddy wagon.” Though the 7 p.m. discussion is free, a ticket is required; call 734-487-3045 to get one. At the Eastern Michigan University Convocation Center (799 Hewitt Road, Ypsilanti). Presented by EMU’s McKenny Union and Campus Life.
1 SAT • MUSIC Benefit for Alejandro Escovedo — On April 26, 2003, in Phoenix, Ariz., music innovator Alejandro Escovedo collapsed after a performance of his folk opera, By the Hand of the Father. After being hospitalized, he discovered that he was in the advanced stages of hepatitis C. Escovedo, who deftly hops genres from punk rock to New Wave to Americana, has influenced countless songwriters. But like many musicians, he has no health insurance. Friends and fans are organizing benefits across the United States to help defray his medical costs. The local benefit includes performances from Jim Roll, Corndaddy, Robert Richmond, Chad Williams and many more. At Rubber Soul Records (115 W. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti). Call 734-483-8834 for more information or visit www.alejandrofund.com. Show time is at 8 p.m. and a $5 donation is requested.
1 SAT • MUSIC Prefuse 73 — For a producer who wears as many hats as Detroit City Councilwoman (and chapeau-a-holic) Kay Everett, Prefuse 73 (aka Scott Herren) has really got it together. Of course, his hats are all musical. This Atlanta native’s contributions to progressive music have nestled him securely in the upper echelons of new music “artistes,” and his avant-garde cross-pollinations — such as hip hop and electronica, and exotica and synthesized lounge — have literally changed the trajectory of postmillennial DIY music. Lucky for us, he is back in the D-town at the Magic Stick (4120 Woodward, Detroit) with Dabrye and Beans. Call 313-833-9700 for more information.
2 SUN • MUSIC Unknown Cole Porter — Use your mentality, wake up to the reality that though Cole Porter songs may be under your skin night and day, there’re still more you’ll get a kick out of. Not just anything goes at this recital by Porter authority Judy Brown of Ann Arbor who is presenting you the top from unpublished Porter works. Even Porterphiles so diligent as to have read the lyrics to these rarities are unlikely to have ever heard them sung. So, now they (and you) certainly can can. It’s just one of those things from 2-4 p.m. in the Britton Recital Hall at the University School of Music. For more information on this music school master class, which is open to the public, call 734-647-4418. It promises to be de-lovely.