Michigan joins global fundraising initiative Hip-Hop 4 Flint

Mar 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm
click to enlarge Michigan joins global fundraising initiative Hip-Hop 4 Flint
Courtesy photo
On Saturday, March 19, 2016, 52 cities around the world will participate in a global fundraising initiative in solidarity and support for the people of Flint, Michigan.

The effort is bringing together the hip-hop community and non-profit Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. Hip-Hop 4 Flint will gather local, national, and international hip-hop artists, journalists, activists, educators and supporters to raise funds to purchase water filters for homes in Flint, MI. 

This event is being led by YoNasDa Lonewolf, emcee, published writer, and activist who focuses her work on human rights, indigenous rights, and social justice. Local activist Piper Carter was ask to lead Detroit’s community.

“I have been working in the so called activist and organizing community as a hip hop cultural organizer since 2009 in community with the so called 'Water Warriors.' Some of whom are also cultural hip-hop and poetry activist organizers. I have been supporting and uplifting their work all along,” she said.

“I watched them organize around access to clean safe affordable healthy water, food, and land, resisting emergency management and have been in multiple trainings and events where they have informed me and politicized me over these years. My closest friends are some of these activists and I immediately connected the dots when i received the call from Yonasda Lonewolf."

Michigan will host 3 different events:

Detroit - Cass Commons, 4605 Cass Avenue 48202. 12pm -5pm. 

Flint - New Jerusalem Full Gospel Church, 1035 Carpenter Rd 9am-5pm.

Grand Rapids - The Stache, 1353 Grandville Ave. SW 49503. Doors open at 8pm. 

For more information, visit Hiphop4flint.com